Chapter 17

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The Naboo cruiser landed on Naboo shortly after Sabé had finished changing into the Queen's garments. She wore a supposedly battle-ready outfit. Her black leggings were comfortable, but that was where the ease of the outfit ended. The dress was made of red silk, with overlapping black fur to give it the fashion component necessary for a Queen. The belt was tight around Sabé's waist, as she was not as slim as Padmé. On her head, Sabé wore a headdress with her hair tied back. It was heavy and very obtrusive. She didn't know how she could be expected to fight in it.

By contrast, the handmaidens got to wear simple, brown velvet ensembles. Their shoulders were adorned with a singular gold stripe each, and their hair was pulled back in an elaborate style.

"Stop sulking," Eirtaé whispered to Sabé, rolling her eyes. But even she couldn't stop smiling.

Padmé had briefed Sabé on what to say to the Gungans and how to say it. It was up to her to gain their trust. Without the Gungans, Padmé's plan would surely fail.

They waited in the swamps while Jar-Jar went into the underwater Gungan City to find his leaders. Captain Panaka and the guards began training the pilots in a few maneuvers. They did not shoot any weapons, in order to stay under the radar, but the pilots were taught how to hold blasters and disable a battle droid in hand-to-hand combat.

Sabé stood with Padmé, Rabé, and Eirtaé until it reached sundown. The Jedi conversed away from the group, likely talking negatively about Padmé's plan.

When Jar-Jar came out of the water, he was alone. He shook the water off of him and threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Desa nobody there. The Gungan City is deserted. Some kinda fight mesa thinks." He spoke to the Jedi and Captain Panaka, as if they were in charge.

Sabé and Padmé exchanged a look. A fight? If the Gungans were captured, their plan was ruined.

"Do you think they've been taken to the camps?" Obi-Wan asked his master.

Captain Panaka shook his head. "More likely they were wiped out." He seemed almost gleeful, Sabé thought with a sneer, that the plan wasn't going to work. That way, he could convince Padmé to go back to Coruscant.

"Mesa no think so," Jar-Jar said.

"Do you know where they are, Jar-Jar?" Qui-Gon asked, arms folded.

Jar-Jar nodded. "When in trouble, Gungans go to sacred place. Come on. Mesa show you!"

Then the group was following the half-brained Gungan. Sabé hoped that Jar-Jar's leaders were smarter than he was. Then again, if they were easily manipulated, the Gungans would have formed an alliance with Naboo years ago.

It was not a very long walk, but the terrain was muddy. Sabé's boots were covered with sloshing mud.

When the group finally arrived, Sabé was led to the front by Gungans riding kaadu, slimy amphibians whose tails whipped fiercely from side-to-side.

The Gungans were gathered in a swamp with religious carvings and monuments. There was an old temple behind the swamp, but Sabé could see no entrance.

One Gungan, who Jar-Jar introduced as Captain Roos Tarpals, led Sabé and the others through the swamp, and into a clearing where many Gungans were gathered. There were other Gungans on kaadu, like Captain Tarpals, but they hung back, away from the group. Sabé didn't like how tightly they clutched their spears.

"Your Honor, Queen Amidala of the Naboo!" Tarpals boomed, silencing all chatter amongst the Gungans.

Sabé, walking side-by-side with Jar-Jar as a sign of good faith, moved further into the clearing.

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