Chapter Four

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Cue to ten months later

Today was the most important day for Moriko. Today she would participate in the entrance exam.

Moriko woke up an hour or so before her alarm, again. She absolutely hated it. Her eyes were droopy and the lack of sleep were now causing dark circles to start forming under her eyes.

But shaking off the feeling of sleepiness. She did her normal morning routine. Going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. And coming back to her room to brush her hair and pick out her outfit. Only this time she chose two outfits. Her uniform and athletic wear.

She then came downstairs to make breakfast and bentos for Dai and her.

Deciding to make tamagoyaki 1 she grabbed the special square pan and the rest of the ingredients. Using her chopsticks (Yes, Mori here is a pro at cooking) to beat the eggs she began to think.

What if...what if I fail the entrance exam? I-I don't want to fail them all. It was their wish to have me become a hero like them before....before they died.

She in the soy sauce and mirin 2. Added a bit of sugar and poured in the oil into the pan. She waited a few minutes and then proceeded to add in the egg mixture into the pan.

The smell of the eggs cooking was intoxicating. Using her chopsticks she pushed the eggs over so now that the top was facing the pan.

After she finshed cooking she grabbed two of the bento boxes that were in the cabinets. And placed two of the now chopped in half rolled eggs in place, she added two onigiris, and put in some chicken. (Sorry I'm pretty sure this isn't a traditional japanese bento and I have no idea what I'm doing even after doing research so sorry if I'm wrong)

She placed Dai's bento onto the table and wrote a note saying 'Have a good day today =)' She packed her's inside her bag and left to put on her shoes.

Time skip brought to you by the ever so famous tea kettle

Moriko had plenty of time to kill, so she decided to go to a beach. The beach before was filled to the brim with trash, but she later discovered that someone had cleaned it.

Moriko didn't know if this was a good thing or bad thing because initially she planned to clean it. But now she had no need to.

Moriko's P.O.V

The sky was begining to blue because the sum was rising. The sand, well I had my shoes on so I couldn't feel the temperature of the sand but suspected that it was quite cold. Now you could finally see the ocean. It was.. blue like any other ocean of course, but it was still a sight to behold.

I looked around the beach and noticed that there were two people on the beach as well. A VERY skinny looking dude and a short gre- SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!!! Is that him?! That green haired boy from the sludge villain attack.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to talk to him, but I just didn't have the confidence. I was too scared. But I tugged all of my confidence I had and went up to him.

I tapped on his shoulder, which made him jump. "S-sorry but just wanted to i-introduce myself. I-I know you don't know me but you're the boy that threw the backpack at the sludge villain, right?"

"Uh um y-yeah th-that's me." He nervously replied.

"Um s- sorry for no-bothering you, b- but I'm Moriko Hayaishi. D-do you want to be... friends?"

His face turned as red as Ki- right we haven't met him yet. As red as a beet.

"Um.. o-okay."

"T-thank you,"

"You guys know I'm here too right?"

My shoulders tensed up after hearing someone speak. And then I finally notice the skinny looking guy again.

"S-sorry." I apologized "It's alright." The too skinny to be alive guy said.

Does this guy eat enough? Probably not, wait. Maybe he has a SUPER fast metabolism. I mean in this world it is possible.

"I- I'm I- Izuku Mi- Midoriya." Midoriya stuttered.


A few minutes of silence passes by.

I decided to be brave and spoke up. "S-so where are you headed Midoriya-san?"

"O-oh I was going to go home." Midoriya answered.

"Are you not going to go to school?" I asked.

"Oh and I'm going to go to an entrance exam after I just need to get ready." He answered, again.

"I'm sorry for asking so many questions, and I-I think it's best if you leave now. D-don't think I'm trying to get rid of you. I just think you should go because I've already wasted your time." I rambled on.

"That's true, well I do need to get going. I-it was nice to meet you. Bye."



Oh right he's here too. I feel so bad that I forgot about him


1- Japanese rolled eggs

2- Mirin is a condiment used in lots of Japanese dishes. It is similar to sake but it has less alcohol and higher sugar content.

I'm sorry. I've practically turned this into a cooking fanfic. Sorry. But to make up for it I worte a lot more than usual. The story is so slow, I'm really sorry about that. Well bye bye.

-disclaimer none of this writting is edited so there will probably be some grammer mistakes.
- 949 words
criticism is always encouraged

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