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(Hunter's POV)
Loren came and sat next to me, in the seat I was saving for y/n. I wish she'd just leave me alone, I mean we broke up a year ago and only lasted for a month, because she cheated on me! Once she sat down, she began to ask who y/n was? If we were dating? Once I said no, she glanced away, then grabbed me! All I felt was her smash her lips against mine!

(H- Hunter, L- Loren, B- Brandon)

H- (pulls away as fast as possible) LOREN WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!
L- What????? Don't act like you didn't enjoy it!
L- Harsh! (rolls eyes)
B- (walks up and tells you, y/n just saw what happened but ran off before you pushed Loren away)
H- Where's y/n Brandon?!?!?
B- Probably where she always used to hide when she was upset in this house!
L- Who cares where she went? She's gone now, that's all that matters!
H- GET OUT LOREN!!! I don't want you in this house anymore! LEAVE!!
L- FINE!! This party was lame anyways...
H/B- (ran upstairs and began to look for y/n!)


I can't believe that just happened, I can't believe Hunter! I found a spot upstairs in the closet that has steps to the attic. As I sit on the sixth step, I replay what happened in my mind.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, as I pull it out I realize that it was Hunter. Also that it was 11:30pm and I have to walk home!

I text Hunter back and tell him, I have to go, because it's dark and I needed to walk. He offered me a drive but after what I just saw, I told him I'm fine!

I slowly step out of the closet, walking down the hall and creep into the bathroom. Two familiar voices shout my name as I look out the window, after locking the bathroom door. Finding a few towels I tie them together making a rope! Tying it to the window I grab on and jump out!

As I hit hard as I land on the ground since the rope wasn't long enough to reach the bottom! But I get up anyways and run as fast as I can! Noticing someone was following me, I sped up then I hear the voice yelling my name, it's Mark!

M- Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!? ( He noticed your red eyes watered with tear)
Y/N-... (should I lie, or tell him?)
M- Y/N?!?! What's wrong??
Y/N- I'm just tired of the party! I'm okay. (I say trying not only to convince him but also myself)
M- (wraps his arms tightly around me pulling me in as he whispers) I know something is wrong because you're not acting like your normal bubbly happy self. I'm here if you want to talk!
Y/N- I don't need to talk... but don't let go yet... (Mark tightens the hug)
M- I won't let go!
Y/N- (my tears slowly stop falling as you begin to calm down!) I love you, Mark... (I whisper under your breath, almost quite enough to be a thought!)
M- Y/n did you say something? (He whispered in your ear)
Y/N- I said, Thank you Mark! For being so kind to me even though I tried to push you away! I don't know why I did, you're so sweet!
M- (releases you from the hug and looks deep into your eyes, he whispers) I love you y/n!
Y/N- I love you too Mark! (I get up again and pull him up after my little breakdown, and I begin to walk back to my grandparents house. Mark never left my side!
M- What time are you happy to be home by?
Y/N- I don't know why?
M- (checks the time seeing its 12:00am) Wanna go out for midnight ice cream?!
Y/N- Sure why not?!

We walk down the road to get ice cream but all the ice cream stores are closed (duh it's midnight I think to myself and giggle). So we just went to the grocery store and shared a tub of peanut butter fudge crunch!!!

By the time I got home it was 1:15am! Mark and I said goodbyes and I thanked him for everything, then I went through the window of the room I normally stay in. But my stuff's not here and someone is Althing the bed so I creep downstairs and fall asleep on the couch.

I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, but it's only 8:30am!! I wanna sleep longer! As the room became silent my eye lids slowly slide over my eyes and I began drifting to sleep then Hayley attacked!!! She dove tackling me and told me it was time for breakfast!

I flip my phone checking before I shower and prepare for today! Noticing Hunter texted me, I hesitate to look but can't keep myself away so I read, "Morning y/n, I'm sorry about last night! It's not what you think! Please let me explain...?" I ignore his message and continue on with my day.

Hearing a knock on the door I bolt down the stairs, tripping over myself, hoping that it's Mark! As it opens I immediately regret my decision!

Y/N- What do you want?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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