Arrival & Ceromony

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It was the second year of the super smash tournament, Marth was excited when he received an invite back to the mansion it took place, He couldn't wait to see the boy he met last year,Roy. They had started a thing, The invite had instructed him to arrive tomorrow for it was arrival ceremony.

Marth had arrived late at night, He assumed the other had gotten here earlier than him. He walked through the door with his bag of stuff he would need, one of the maids who worked there took his bag taking it to his room. He walked down the hall searching for his familiar friend and long distant lover, Roy.

*Come on where are you?* He thought before running into someone.

"I-I'm sorry." He said looking up at the person he ran into, He had blue hair and he was a swordsmen.

The man said nothing and walked off, Marth just shrugged it off and got up off the floor, He thought he must have been one of those bad seeds you get in events like this.

"Hey Marth, Nice to see you back here again."

Marth turned to see it was the blonde haired elf, Link. He smiled warmly at Link.

"Same with you Link, Did Zelda return with you?" Marth asks.

"Yeah, Ganondorf's back too..." Link replies not happy about that.

"So...H-Have you seen Roy around?" Marth questions.

"You haven't heard?" Link replies.

"What?" Marth replies.

"Roy didn't get an invite back...He was replaced with Ike." Link answers.

"Who's Ike?" Marth asks.

"The person you just ran into, That is Ike. Sorry to cut this short Marth but...I have to go, I've gotta see how Zelda's settling in, I'll see you in the cafeteria." Link says walking off leaving the blue haired boy alone.

Marth wandered down the halls, He immediately found his room which was 208, He entered and looked around there was two beds like usual, His bag was on his bed and the other bag was on the floor it seemed his roommate was done packing and was probably out mingling, Marth went to his side and opened his bag beginning to put things away

"So...your my roommate."

Marth turned to see it was the same guy as before, Ike. Ike was standing in the bathroom door frame, He was shirtless and brushing his teeth. Marth blushed slightly at the sight.

"Y-Yes, I'm your roommate...Ike, I'm Marth, It's nice to meet you." Marth says moving over to him, He reaches hand out to shake Ike's hand.

Ike shakes his hand with no expression on his face, Marth pulled away and put his hands behind his back and moved back to his bed to continue what he was doing.

Ike goes back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth, He came back out and put a shirt about ready to go out the door only to stop.

"Hurry up and finish unpacking, We can go together." Ike says.

Marth finished his unpacking, He looks up at Ike and smiles before stepping out of their room together heading to the cafeteria where the ceremony would take place.

Ike and Marth made their way down to the cafeteria, Marth looked around observing the scene, It seemed some returned like Samus, Pikachu, Jiggly Puff, Peach, Mario and his gang, Fox and Falco as well as some others who are new competitors.

Marth snapped back into reality when he saw Ike had walked off, They had just met but Marth felt he should stay close to the boy. Marth went and sat next to Ike.

"H-Hey Ike, Since your new would you by chance know who the other new people?" Marth asks out of curiosity.

"The one with Fox and Falco is Wolf, The one with Mario is Wario, Diddy Kong, the Pokemon is Lucario, theirs Pokemon trainer, the man is Snake he's really creepy...Angel boy is Pit, blonde little boy is Lucas, Olimar and Pikmin, the big penguin is King Dedede and last is Sonic." Ike answers.

Marth looks around he gets interrupted when Peach walks up greeting them.

"Hello Marth nice to see you again."

"Princess." Marth replies.

"Hello sir, I'm Princess Peach and who may you be, Cutie?" Peach asks.

"...Ike...And shouldn't you be calling your boyfriend, Mario. Cutie?" Ike questions a bit annoyed.

"He's not my boyfriend...Anyway may I sit with you?" Peach asks.

"I don't care." Ike replies.

"I-Ike, Be more nicer to the princess." Marth whispers.

Ike looks at him instead of arguing he sighs and turns back to the princess.

"Yes, you can...I'm sorry about my tone with you it's just I'm not used to meeting people really..." Ike says.

Peach sits down with a small smile.

"It's fine, I forgive you." Peach replies.

Everyone goes quiet when Master Hand and Crazy Hand come out to greet them and get the arrival going.

"Hello everyone it's quiet lovely you all could make it here tonight, As you know I am Master Hand and this is my brother Crazy Hand." Master hand greets.

"I hope everyone here has a great time, Master Hand and I will be naming the returning, new competitors and the people who didn't come back." Crazy Hand says.

"Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Pikachu, JigglyPuff, Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Ness, Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon,Princess Zelda, Ganondorf, Link, Game and Watch, Samus Aran and Marth. Welcome back." Master Hand greets.

"New comers, Wario, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Lucario, Pokémon Trainer, Wolf O'Donnell, Lucas, Snake, Rob, Sonic, Pit, Olimar and Ike welcome to the Smash event, We're glad to have you." Crazy Hand says.

"Lastly to those who didn't return, Mew two, Pichu and Roy. I hope this year will be a wonderful year to make friends and win. Our first match will be tomorrow, Have a good night." Master Hand says leaving with Crazy Hand.

Marth sighed, Ike looked over to the sighing Prince wondering what was his problem but he didn't say anything, Peach just sat there observing the crowd. Marth got up from his seat.

"I'm going back to the room, Have a good night you guys." Marth says with a small smile.

"Oh Marth, Why don't you want to stay?" Peach asks.

"I'm tired and I want to get a good night's rest." Marth replies leaving.

Marth got to his room and immediately sat down, He looked around the room he sighed, he hoped that this year would be wonderful, but he missed Roy. There was a knock on the door, Marth got up and went over it was one of the maids telling him that there was a phone call for him.

He left his room walking down the hall going to the phones, He picked it up and spoke with a "hello."

"Marthy, I'm so happy to talk to you, I miss you honey." Roy spoke.

"Oh Roy, It's good to hear your voice, I miss you too." Marth replied.

"I wish I could see you...I hope you have a good time there and kick some ass, I will call you again in a week or two, I love you Marth, Don't forget that." Roy says.

"I love you too, I talk to you then." Marth replies.

The phone call ended, He turned to leave only to see Ike was standing there.

"Let's go to our room Marth, We should get some sleep we have long days ahead of us..." Ike says.

Marth nods in agreement, The two walk off to their room they enter and separate going to their beds going to sleep.

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