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" OH "

akuma puts his arm around my shoulders " i mean we could be dating but only if this sunflower would say the same thing " i look up at him his eyes just the most prettiest shade of red " yeah sure in your dreams you dork " my hand lifts his arm off of my shoulder " anyways no but why you ask? " jinsei laughs a bit at what i said " well me and my ghost got a feeling that you two are going to be together "  akuma chuckles at that as well blushing " heh you make me laugh but whatever you say " i say, my head tilts to akuma's face, why did i just notice how handsome he looks? why do i feel like im in some sort of drama or am i just in a love fanfic? in my mind im slapping myself in the face, i gotta stop with weird questions. " anyways that's all i wanted to ask ill see you two later! " after jinsei said that she walked away and i swear i can see a ghost boy smiling down at her, maybe she is in love with her protector! that's why she was asking me and akuma that? or im just a brainless, boneless pizza.

" so there has been word around the school that one of the strongest demons is coming her along with the person he is looking over " my ears picked up on that sentence and im guessing akuma did to as he as well looked over at the boys who where talking " yeah its pretty crazy i heard that there coming here only to find someone i wounder who it is " im betting its akuma i already know. how you may ask? well think about it. a another demon who is also powerful, probably wants to fight akuma to take his place or title of being the most powerful demon! i turn my face to akuma he is looking down with his hair covering his eyes so i can't tell whats hes feeling " kaoru-kun..." i jump sightly " yeah? " he looks at me and all i can see is rage " we are going to your home right now " before i could ask or say anything else he grabs my hand and pulls me all the way to my house.

  " i know its been only a few days since you summoned me but.." oh shit is he going to leave? no it has to be something else! " i really think im in love with you! " i did not expect that " i know your thinking how? but i can't help it, your so cute, funny, and nice you don't have to be treated like this! come with me. kaoru" akuma pulls out his hand " i don't know akuma-kun, i don't want to leave karuto-chan or the others here " he smiles a bit " i knew you would say that, but don't worry we will come back after we have gotten rid of that demon " i sigh. should i trust him? " you can trust me i am your protector after all " akuma smiles while blushing, i can't help it hes to cute, i guess i do love him. " alright..but we are coming back " akuma looks like a child at a candy store " thank you! i knew i can count on you my new cute bean! " he picks me up and swings me around in a big bear hug, i hug him back of course. akuma sets me down on the couch and plays with my white hair, i can not stop but think if we should tell the others about whats happening i should i ask akuma hes the one bring all this stuff up anyways  " should we tell karuto and the others about this? " he slowly nods putting his head on my tuff of hair " we will kaoru, we will and i will protect you with my life! "

they will be save right? at this point who knows who you can trust.

words: 706

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