backstory 5. golden gala

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When Zalia woke up from a stream of morning sunlight in her eyes, with three hours of sleep and a mind full of exaggerated what if scenarios on her plate, she knew what she had to do. Although she knew she'd feel an immeasurable amount of guilt clawing away at her insides if the culprit got away with another kill, that guilt would be multiplied by infinity if she stood by and did nothing. So, reaching for her phone, she scrolled through her messages and clicked on Sorin's name.

Today 8:12 AM

I'm in for tonight.

Don't respond with a dirty joke. Just don't.

And before she could regret her decision or flood her mind with doubts (perks of being an introverted overthinker), she threw her blankets off and marched to her closet, digging deep inside to uncover a dusty rose dress she never thought would see the light of day again. If she was going to do this, she might as well go all out.

It's time to catch a killer.

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She anxiously knocked on the room door, glancing back and forth between Sorin's texts with instructions on what to do before the gala and the plaque on the door reading room 127. Swiftly, the door opened, revealing someone who was not Sorin.

To be fair, he did look to be about the same age as Sorin, and with oddly familiar features too. Yes, if Zalia had to describe how this man looked, it would be if Sorin and Teresa were merged into one body.

Zalia shook her head, taken aback. What a trippy thing to think when you first meet someone.

"Sorry, I think I got the wrong room," she muttered apologetically, looking down at her phone to recheck the room number Sorin texted her.

"Zalia Rosbach, yes? Come in," He greeted, opening the door wider to let her in. "I'm Vicente Gonzalez, Sorin's partner. If you'd like, you can just call me Vi."

"Vi. Nice to meet you," Zalia nodded, picking up her skirts and stepping inside. "Sorin never told me he had a partner."

Vi laughed, shutting the door behind her and taking a seat on one of the twin beds. "That boy wouldn't even be able to solve a case without me. I'm the brains and he's the brawn, because I'm hella smarter than him and he's slightly better at socializing and beating people up than me."

Zalia laughed, the way Vi talked and joked immediately making her feel at ease. It was rare people were able to do that.

"I can confidently say you're better at socializing than him. All he does is make dirty jokes," Zalia scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Hella true. Once in high school, he walked up to a girl and—" Vi began, but before he could continue, the door to the bathroom slid open.

"I swear, suits are annoying as f..." The words slowed down on Sorin's tongue as he looked up from buttoning his cuffs and saw Zalia standing in the room.

Blush rose fabric trailed behind her like the tinted lipstick stains and scattered sakura petals left behind on marble steps; beautiful, but the architectural wonder it led to was far grander and breathtaking.

In simple terms, she cleaned up very nicely.

"Whipped," Vi mouthed to Sorin, snickering.

Sorin snapped out of his short daze, clearing his throat and going back to fixing his cuffs. "You look nice, Zalia."

"Thanks. Same to you," Zalia grinned.

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