Chapter One

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"One must not completely rely on his powers," Sensei Garmadon reminded his son, Lloyd, yet again, "As you frequently do, my son."

"Why do I have to concentrate on fighting," he grunted as his father dodged yet another of his attacks, "When I can just do this?" he focused all his mind capacity on gathering a green orb of his power in his hands before letting it fade once more.

Sensei shook his head, "You are not learning fast enough. . . ."

"Is everything okay, dad?" Lloyd asked, stepping up beside the older man as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Truth is, lately Sensei Garmadon had been distant, completely out of his usual manner and not even he knew why, though, Sensei just shook his head, "I am fine, son."

Kai rushed out onto the deck, followed by Zane, "Sensei!" Kai gasped, "Sensei needs to speak with you."

"Our lesson is over for today," Sensei Garmadon and Lloyd bowed to each other before he left the training deck.

"Hi guys," Lloyd grinned, "Wanna train?"

"For what?" Cole asked, strolling towards the three, "There's no scary evil guys to defeat."

"We have yet to capture and defeat the OverLord," Zane informed lamely, sitting cross legged on the deck, "We must travel to New Ninjago City to find him."

Kai turned on the White Ninja, "How do you know that?"

"When I had met up with you in the corridor," Zane started, "I had just finished speaking with Sensei about where we are going."

"So we have to go back to the city?" Jay cried, "We can't!"

"Yes, you can," Sensei Wu walked out towards them, "And you are. We are here."

"Already?" they all asked, rushing to the side of The Bounty. Jay was grinning ear to ear, "Borg Industries! Oooooo Let's go! Let's go!!"

Before anyone could object, Jay jumped from the deck, doing a flip before landing on the top of the nearest building and running to the tallest building in the city.

Sensei sighed, "He could have waited for us to land, first. Go to the top floor and speak with Mr. Borg," The rest of the Ninja nodded before jumping after their Brother.

A couple buildings they came upon Jay, pinned beneath someone who, like he, was dressed in all blue, only a different shade. They prepared to fight and stepped closer. Kai scowled, "Let him go!"

The attacker looked up, and to their surprise they were looking at a girl their age. She had hair the color of Kai's that went a bit past her shoulders, and was covered head to toe in light blue clothing, a golden rod clung to her back. They could only see her right eye, for her left was hidden behind her long bangs, not visible at all, "I wasn't attacking him. Complete accident," she seemed urgent and rushed, almost nervous, "Misunderstanding. Fell on him when we crashed. What's the quickest way out of and away from the city?"

"Under radar or what?" Jay asked as she helped him stand back up, "Just walk out. Simple as that."

"It is, as long as you have nothing to hide," Zane stated.

"I need to go," she grunted, shoving passed them, "I'll find my own way out." they watched her near the edge of the building and do a front flip off the side.

"Okay?" Cole shrugged, "That was weird. Even for us and our everyday lives, it was weird."

"Why was she up here?" Kai asked as they continued on their way.

"I don't know, but she came from Borg Industries," Jay stated, then paused and began freaking out, "She was wearing blue! It's my favorite color!"

"Yeah yeah, your favorite color is blue," Cole placed a hand on Jay's back and pushed him forward, "Keep moving you whackjob."

The Ninja jumped from roof to roof, lowering themselves until they were on ground level. Pulling down their masks as they hit the sidewalk, the five of them walked through the front doors of Borg Industries.

"It's all I ever dreamed it would be!" Jay cried, running around looking at everything.

"Dude, knock it off and let's go," Kai muttered, pressing repeatedly on the elevator button.


A couple buildings later, the girl hit the sidewalk with a light thud. She looked around, attempting to act natural but failed to do so.

"Hey! Where'd you just come from?"

"I. . . Uh. . ." she stuttered, backing up, but freezing when a robotic voice behind her became frantic.

Techno-Blade detected! Drop the weapon and back away, assailant!

Eyes widening, and not knowing what else to do, she turned and ran for the nearest manhole, stooping down to pry it from it's place in the pavement. In one fluid movement it popped from it's spot and she flung it wildly at the advancing street-surveying robot. Not even stopping to see where it hit, the girl jumped down into the hole and ran.

After a few minutes she pressed her back against the wall and slid down to the floor, sitting on the cold, moist cement walkway as she watched the small yet rough water stream ahead of her feet flow south.

"Thinking of feet," she muttered, pulling off her shoes and socks, tossing them aside, "Those are soaked and uncomfortable."

There was a slithering noise from her left, but she ignored it, knowing fully who it was, "Jade, you are finally home, I sssee," a sly sounding voice filled her ears.

Jade jumped up, turning her back on her 'father,' though there was no resemblance between the two, starting with he had a tail and she had feet, but that was only because he was the General, "Yes, father, I am home," slowly, she tried to unnoticably hide the golden rod behind her. Whatever it was, Mr. Borg did not want it to be publicized.

Too little too late, "What iss that?"

Closing her eyes, Jade let loose a faint sigh as she removed it from her back, "Nothing, father, just something I found and wanted to keep."

"As you wish," he bowed his head in a polite manner, though most Serpentine she knew did not have such mannerism, "Now come, Skaless Jr. is becoming lonely."

He was her 'brother' and showed more resemblance, though he was still more Serpentine than she was. SJ was what she called him, and he was about the only tolerable one her age. Jade nodded, "Alright, let'ss go," she mentally chided herself, for she'd been trying to rid herself of the extra ss she'd started adding onto words.

Once they were in the cavern in which everyone lived, everyone as in a lot of families of pure Serpentine, she made to go to her room but stopped herself, "Father?"

"Yesss?" he turned towards her.

"When I was leaving New NinjaGo City earlier, I ran into those Ninja people," she sat on the nearest bench, "Like, literally ran into them, accidentally tackled the Blue one. . . They didn't attack me like you said they would."

"Did they see past your hair?" Skales asked quickly.

"I don't believe sso," she stated, "But they didn't seem all that bad."

"They are," Skales said angrily, then paused to calm himself, "They hunted uss for dayss and sslaughtered hundredss of our best ssoldiers," Jade winced at the thought, "They are bad, Jade, sstay away from them. The only reasson they did not attack wass becausse they did not know you were one of uss."

"Okay, Father," she amended, mentally vowing to make the Ninja pay. She'd never thought anyone could hurt such harmless creatures. We'd never done anything wrong. As of right now I officially hate Ninja, "Father I am going to bed."

Though Skales had turned and slithered away, not hearing what she had said.

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