Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N: So yeah... still don't want this book to end. I'm having fun with it.

"Don't say that, Motormouth!" Cole cursed, "We'll get out! Don't worry!"

"How?!" Kai cried.

The pulling on Lizz's legs was getting quicker and she was almost chin deep now, "Um... guys...?"

"Hmm?" Jay glanced over at her and his eyes went wide when he realized they were all that deep.

One by one they started disappearing, Lizz first. She was followed by Zane then Cole and Jay. Then, just as Kai could feel his hand slipping beneath the surface he found someone's foot with his other hand and grabbed onto it, hoping that if he could keep a good grip they'd end up trapped somewhere together. He couldn't tell whose foot it was though because all he could see was darkness and bright glowing source code content.

He shut his eyes, but as soon as he did that he felt an upward tugging motion and something grab onto his foot. He let it go because whatever, maybe they had the same idea as him. Suddenly, though, he was out of the sinkhole and standing safely on the solid ground again. Each of his teammates were beside him as well; turns out Cole was the one that he had on his foot. 

What struck him as odd, though, was Lizz was attached to Jay's side, squeezing the life out of him as he comforted her. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Pixal's voice, "I temporarily altered the corrupted code," okay, so the arm thing Zane was reaching for before was talking to them, "Hurry, I can only resist him for so long-" and then said arm thing exploded.

"Okay, no more talking arm thing," Cole mumbled, going over to the edge to kneel down again, "We have to get to that activation port and quick."

Zane and Kai had gathered around him, looking over his shoulder. Jay ventured nearer, still with Lizz, but not too close to the edge. He grunted a little, "It's all downhill from here!"

"Just because your friend thinks she can change the rules doesn't mean I can't play the same game!" The OverLord was very angry now, "This. Is. My. WORLD!"

Suddenly everything began shaking, bouncing around the Ninja. Lizz and Jay fell on their backs, hurting a little more than the others since those two were standing. The five of them were bouncing around as if they were on a trampoline. Cole moaned, "What's happening?!"

"Ahhh!! I spoke too soon!!" Jay's voice was pitchy and wavered as he gripped onto the edge of the building.

"Look out, Jay!" Zane warned Jay just in the knick of time before Jay got hit by a falling car.

Jay ducked in time, but lost his grip and fell some more, sliding down the side once again. The Ninja were now all dangling off an antenna. Lizz had her arms and legs wrapped around it, not daring to look down at the vast space between her and some safety. Cole called out, "Is everybody okay?" 

While there were two "yeah"s from Zane and Kai and one squeaked out "hell no!" from Lizz, Jay decided to point something else out, "More incoming!"

The cars--luckily--went around them. Zane watched them fall, "Follow that car into the building. Then we'll-ah-ahh!" his grip slipped and he fell a little before grabbing onto the very bottom of the antenna--and half on Lizz's foot, too. She didn't quite mind, as it was helping Zane stay safe.

Zane, Kai, Cole and Jay all let go of their safety and free-fell into the window the car had gone into. Cole did a headcount, "Where's Lizz?"

Zane and Kai clung onto the windowsill and Kai looked out, "Lizz! Jump!"

She wanted nothing more than to revert back to her old life, now. This is not me. I'm not a Ninja. I'm never going to be a Ninja! I'm not cut out to be a Ninja! She refused to close her eyes again, though. If she was going to get through life, she had to swallow her fears. So she took a deep breath and pried her limbs off of her antenna and fell almost through the window.

Zane and Jay had to reach out and grab her hands because otherwise she'd be a goner. Zane was the one that mainly pulled her up because he was a little stronger than Kai and Lizz--staying on her feet--doubled over panting, "I wanna go home." 

"You can't," Cole reasoned, "Not until this job is done. You're the only one who can wield that Techno Blade, Garmadon. This team needs you."

"You didn't need me before and you don't need me now," she stood up, her heart pounding in her chest, "We make it outta here alive I'm leaving and never coming back. I'm not cut out to be a Ninja I suck at doing everything that you guys are good at! What kind of Ninja is scared of heights, anyway?!" she took a deep breath and held it before speaking, "Deal? You can get along without me."

"Fine," Cole amended.

Kai sighed and looked outside at the upside Digicity, "Well this gives us a new perspective..."

A/N: She's gone and renounced her Ninja title again. *facepalm* 

This'n was a bit of a short chapter, sorry 'bout that. It looks longer on Docs. 

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