7 | He Thinks I Am Ugly

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It's been three weeks since my trip to the mall with Sara. Sara and Kyle left for college a week ago, Kyle wanted to stay and take care of me but I knew he would miss his classes so I convinced him to go.

Today, I start school again. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

"It's going to be okay, trust me." Sara said through the phone.

Oh did I mention? Kyle got me an I-Phone. He told me it was an early birthday present so I couldn't resist.

I frown as I look through my wardrobe.

"Uh... Hey Sara where are the hoodies that we brought from the mall?" I ask staring at my new phone.

"Oh I burned them."

What the hell?

"Just wear some jeans and a t-shirt. You look so pretty and no way am I going to let you hide your face behind a mask. So got get dressed." And then she hangs up on me.


Jenny (Mrs K/ Sarah's mom) pokes her head into my temporary room.

"You ready Aria?"

"Uh... Yea. I will be down in a second." I grab the first pair of skinny jeans I find, a crop top, white converse and letting my hair down in waves I rush down with my backpack with all my books and my old cruddy laptop which glitches up all the time which Kyle retrieved from my dad's house.

I grab some crackers off the table and rush outside the house and get into Jenny's awaiting car.

After dropping Keagon (Sarah's sister) to her kindergarten she drops me off to my torture chambers - North Orchid High School.

I thank Jenny and start walking into my doom.

As soon as I am inside, my eyes find Brandon (my best friend) and I wave at him, I walk through the throng of students and reach him.

"Hey babe, would you wanna go out some time?"

"Are you talking to me?"

"Of course, I am talking to you."

"Stop joking, Brandon. Let's go to class." I grab his hands and pull him to Chemistry class which I knew he'd have today with me. I have his whole time table memorised.

Mr Hiscock takes Chemistry for us. Yes, his last name is Hiscock.

"How do you know my name?" Brandon asks me as he follows behind me like a dutiful best friend.

Okay, I am actually a little bit freaked now.

Do I look so different that he can't even remember me?

There are still a few minutes for the bell, so we sit down at the third row from the front and Brandon settles down beside me.

"Do you know what my shirt is made of?" He asks me.

"Uh... Cotton?" I hazard a guess working an eyebrow up.

"Boyfriend material! Ha ha ha."

Okay. What the fuck is wrong with my best friend.

"Are you a parking ticket?"

"Um ... No?" I ask.

"Because you have fine written all over you." He begins laughing and I cringe.

I think he seriously can't recognise his own bets friend.


"Do you believe in love at first sight - or should I walk by again?"

The Hoodie GirlWhere stories live. Discover now