8 | Detention With The Play Boy

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Thank you so much VERSACHEN for the beautiful cover 🖤


"Seriously?" I ask Brandon in a low voice and he stops smiling.

"Now, just because I take off my hood and paint my hair blonde - I am pretty? That's very shallow of you Brandon." I get up and walk away from the cafeteria as fast as I can.

Lunch was almost over and I just wanted to take the books for my next class - English from my locker.

My eyes find a couple making out by the locker and I freeze.

Megan and Andrew.

My ex - best friend and my ex - boyfriend.

It still hurts that my boyfriend would cheat with my own best friend. And Megan, I trusted her so much. If anything, I was closer to Megan than with Reece.

I turn away and start walking in the other direction not wanting them to see me.

I know, I am pathetic. I walk around the school aimlessly until the bell rings.


I rush to English class soon and throw open the door.

"You're late Ms Hunter." Mr Forestier addresses me.

He recognized me!

"I am sorry, Sir."

"Detention after school. Go sit wherever there is space."

"Sorry sir," I mumble and search for a seat.

"Where are your books?"

"Uhm... I forgot them." I say meekly.

"Detention for tomorrow too. And you can share books with Mr Parker at the back."

I nod and scurry off to the back and sit with Felix Parker just like Mr Forestier asks me to.

Felix is one of Ryder's best friends. Unlike Ryder he isn't mean to me. If anything he has never talked to me- but I have heard that he is a huge player. With his blonde hair and jade green eyes girls flock at him.

"Hi." Felix grins at me and pulls his chair close to mine so I can look at his book.

"Are you new?" He asks me.

Is he serious? What's with all these people?

I furrow my eyebrows. "We've been studying together since high school, which is like four years."

He rubs the back of his neck, a bit flustered. "Sorry, I don't know how I missed noticing a beauty like you."

I roll my eyes and avoid him.

"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." Mr Forestier reads from Pride and prejudice.

Felix nudges my arm and I glare at his book, still not looking at him.




"What do you want?" I hiss at him.

"I don't get it. What the hell does that line even mean?" He not-so-quietly whispers.

"Can you shut up? I am trying to listen."

"But... I can't understand! Help a friend in need." He pouts at me and I give him a death glare.

"Can you like shut up? Like what the fuck is your pro- "

"Ms Hunter can you stop disrupting my class or do you want another detention?" Mr Forestier glares at me and all my classmates turn to look at me.

"But he was the one annoying me." I reason out angry and pissed.

"Okay, Ms Hunter another detention for you and Mr Parker you are staying for detention too." Mr Forestier produces a small book and tears out pink detention slips, signs them and hands it to the both of us.

Fucking Felix.

I snatch the slips and storm out of class.

I mean, he already gave me so much detention. What more could he do?

Horrible day at school.

I mean, though I always had a bad time at home, I have never gotten detention except that one time I slapped Tyler.

Ah, that's a story for another day.

The next class was PT. I have always been bullied at PT, people pushed me during rallies - so I hated PT.

But not today, I was going to be tough today.

I lived at Sweet Valley, a small town so there were only two schools - North Orchid high and South Orchid High.

We didn't have a PT uniform - some shorts and a t-shirt would suffice - though I would always wear a black hoodie and sweats - I wore pants so they could hide the bruises on my thighs.

I assemble at the gym with all other students - for the first time wearing black
cotton shorts and a grey t-shirt.

Coach Jerry stands at the front - he's in his mid twenties and am not lying but he was fucking hot. Unlike our old coach who retired a year ago - Coach Jerry spoke in a human voice and didn't scream like the former one.

"We're playing dodgeball kids."




Kind of a filler chapter - but you got to meet Felix! And sorry for the short chapter but I promise I'll make up for it in the next update 😊

What do you think of Felix? Tell me here >>>

Shout outs to all of these amazing people for making their presense know through votes and comments - aquafinabish

Thanks you so much you'll 🖤

And don't forget to Vote and Comment because remember the more votes and comments I get - the faster I update

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Thanks for reading 🖤

Lots of cookies,
Shreya x

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