A multicolored creature appeared near Solarius's Mansion and went there and knocks on the door.
Elise: *opens the door* Hello?
???: Hello young one... may I come in?
Elise: Uh... Sure.
??? entered the Mansion and Solarius saw him.
Solarius: Oh? Who are you?
Lunor: My name is Lunor I have been searching for you Solarius...
Solarius: L- L- L- Lunor?! *gets on his knees* What is that you want my Lord?
Elise: Huh?
Solarius: I guess I have to tell who this is, This is Lunor... the Creator of the Lunarians.
Elise: WHAT?!
Lunor: Indeed I am.
Solarius: What is it that you need?
Lunor: I want to entrust you with an artifact that I've been guarding for a long time to help you fight Fodra. *gives Solarius a purple glowing gem* This is the Embryen of the Divine, if you equip that, it will transform you into a powerful being and if you take it off you'll turn back to normal.
Solarius: My Lord, are you sure you want to entrust me with that?
Lunor: I am certain it will help you, I have to take my leave, but if the Situation gets worse, I'll come to aid you. *disappears*
-present day-
Solarius: I guess I got no choice now. *puts the Gem into his Armor and transforms into the Tearer of the Divine*
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