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"don't worry. you still have almost a month to brainstorm," i nodded. ms. Im said a few more reminders before she let me go.

"mr. jeon, one last thing... " she called. "... use your heart," she said and smiled.

i walked towards the classroom, still in daze. how am i going to come up with a well written paper when i have no idea what the hell to write. and love month? that's the most illogical thing i have ever heard.

'use your heart'

ms. Im's words ruthlessly lingered on my mind. use my heart, huh? unfortunately, all my heart does is pump blood through out my body. should i grab it from the inside and see if it can write the paper for me?

i scoffed.

suddenly, an arm went around me. "dude, what's with the expression?" taehyung asked.

i sighed and faced him, "have you ever been in love?" i asked him.

he suddenly let go of me and eyed me ridiculously. "dude, are you?" he passed me the question.

i glared at him. "that's the problem. i don't even know the feeling of being in love. ms. Im is crazy,"

"another assignment?" i nodded and lazily handed him the paper ms. Im gave me. "well, is being in love with fortnite considered?" he asked after reading a bit.

let's just forget i even considered taehyung as my only hope.

i playfully elbowed his stomach and shook my head. "aw!" he complained. i went inside the classroom with a disappointed look while taehyung followed, holding his stomach.

i walked lazily towards my seat and grabbed my bag. too much psychology for today.

i roamed my eyes around and found a few people. classes ended thirty five minutes ago and some still managed to stay. my eyes stopped on the swarm of girls giggling around someone.

"-pushed me on the wall. i was so shocked,"  i overheard. then, they all started squealing. "... and then he leaned on me and whispered something in my ear..." the group became silent as if anticipating an angel to fall before their eyes.

"he whispered, 'your lips look delicious. mind if i taste?'" and the group went crazy.

i rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. girls these days. tsk. i grabbed my bag and went outside. taehyung trailed behind me.

"as expected of kim dahyun. the girl never runs out of boyfriends," he shook his head.

i held the straps of my backpack as i indulge myself in silence. i'm still trying to figure out how to come up with a well written paper. the internet can't help me. taehyung can neither come up with a serious answer. i sighed heavily.

"ya kook! why don't you ask dahyun to help you?" he suggested. i eyed him like he just cracked a joke.

"stop spitting nonsense, tae," i pushed the idea on the back of my head.

first of all, we are not close. we barely interact. while she's being surrounded by people, i surround myself with books. our paths never really crossed and i would like to stay that way. she's a spitting image of danger. she's known for ditching classes and defying rules. i don't want to associate myself with such people.

"i'm serious, kook. you can use her experience in writing that love sick psychology paper of yours," he said.

"do you even think she does serious relationships? dream on," i said, still against his comical idea.

"i mean it's not impossible. that girl had a lot of relationships. are we just going to dismiss the fact that maybe at some point, she felt love?" he asked.

i stopped walking and stared at my very bestfriend. "do you... like her?" i asked this time.

his eyes widened. "woah woah! where did that crap come from?" i shrugged. i don't know either.

he sighed and patted my shoulder, "just consider it, kook. like what others say, learn from professionals," he snickered at his nonsense.

as soon as we reach the school's gate, taehyung and i parted ways. i was still preoccupied with my special assignment on the way home. maybe i can just back out? but i can't just give up the fact that i'd be excempted on our quarterly exams. that's a big opportunity to slack off.

yeah, slack off. this nerd needs to slack off.

i pulled my hair out of annoyance. i can't think of anything. i banged my head against my laptop multiple times, trying to get my brain to work.

but it didn't.

the next day, i zoned out during class. i couldn't concentrate considering i might fail that special assignment. i scowled while shoving my notebooks inside my bag. the day ended and i still have no progress. i have no plans to cram.

"hey kook! i should go now! my mom's asking me to buy something," he tapped my shoulder and waved goodbye. i only gave him a nod.

my eyes went to the pale girl across the room. her hair is in pigtails for today. i frowned when i saw a reddish tint on her cheeks. she was curling her hair using her fingers while posing in front of her phone. i glared at her legs which are resting above her desk. manners please.

i placed my bag on my shoulder, ready to go home. i was approaching the room's door when i suddenly heard taehyung's voice inside my head.

'ask her. ask for her help.'

his voice didn't stop. i closed my eyes, feeling annoyed. stop. ugh.

before i could react, i found myself approaching her. i stopped in front of her and slammed my hands on her desk. she almost choked on her lollipop and her phone almost fell from her hands.

she abruptly removed her legs and looked at me with annoyance. "what the hell, nerd?!"

i swallowed the lump on my throat before i managed to say it.

"i... need your help,"

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