Chapter 3

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Kurt runs his hands through his hair in frustration. He couldn't find a single digital fingerprint of the delivery girl. He tracked down the driver after the first hour of wasting on the computer, but the driver told him he didn't know the girl either. The driver said he was doing his morning checkup routine on the truck when the girl struck up a conversation with him. One thing led to another and they made a bet. Kurt raised his eyebrow at the amount she brought up to the driver and asked the driver if she had the money. The driver explained that the deal was if she lost, she would finish his shift for the week with no pay in place of himself. Kurt shook his head as he walked away heading back to the office.

Now, hours later, he was still no closer to naming her than when he first started. Frustrated, he turned his player on and blared his Skillet CD, repeating their song "Monster." With the music blasting he got up and did some work out routines, punching his frustration in the air. Sandra was typing up a forum when the music started blasting through the closed door. She rolled her eyes to the air, He's at it again. There wasn't going to be any more work for her so she started cleaning up. Whenever he becomes like this he can go at it for hours working out whatever he was stressing about. Sandra could only chuckle as she thinks how a woman is stumping the great Kurt Wagner. He was excellent at his job, learning not just from the books but from observing the world around him. Not to mention, he was also a bit of a player. As far as she could tell, his relationships weren't all that intimate with non-mutants, yet the exact opposite with mutants. He was always fair with his girlfriends and really anyone in his life. She had been with him since before he bought this building and he always seemed to blow through cases with ease. There were some that he struggled with, but not like this. So it was a little funny, karma playing a prank, you could say, that he's stumped on a case over a girl. With her work done, she turns the computer off and bangs on the door.

A very irate boss opens the door with a glare, "What?!"

Most people would freak at seeing their boss hanging upside down, opening the door with his tail. "I'm closing shop. You're welcome to join me for a few beers."

Sandra laughs as he slams the door shut and returns to his work out session. Locking the front door the volume increases as his shadow is seen jumping back and forth, beating up hordes of invisible attackers from his window. Sandra keeps a smile on her face at seeing her boss so rattled and makes her way down the street towards the "Night Light" bar. Inside is musty with cigarette smoke and spilled beer. The place always reminds her more of a pub than a bar. She sits at the counter and orders one while she observes the people inside.

At the pool table with the smoke growing in density, fogging her vision Nelliea lines up her shot. She flings her bangs out of her eyes and breathes slow through her nose. She calms as Mullet tries to break her concentration. But to his shock, she makes the shot and lands the last 2 of her stripped balls into the corner holes. Nelliea straightens up with a proud smirk on her face as she walks around to win the game.

After studying the table, she lines her cub up and leans over, "Eight ball, right corner pocket."

Mullet puts his hands on his head as the ball is struck. He screams in anger as it lands and the game is won. Nelliea jumps, pumping her arm under her side as she turns into her happy dance. She struts over to Mullet holding her hand out.

"Four hundred dollars, please."

She smiles innocently into Mullet's eyes as he grumbles, pulling out his wallet. Handing the bills to her, she squeals in delight and stands on her tiptoes, pecking Mullet on the cheek.

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