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"Go! Go!" Sebastian screamed. He shoved me back towards the Van.
I leaped into the van.
"What's going on?!" Sheng yelled. Sebastian hopped in on the other side. He slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and took off. My back slammed into the seat. I dug my nails into the fabric of the seat. My heart stopped as I stared at the huge tree in the middle of the road. Sebastian was speading right towards it. Bullets went flying through the windshield.
"Duck!" Seb ordered. I put my head under the dash board and squeezed my eyes shut. The next thing I knew, I hear a loud crash and the car jolted forward. A loud pop came from the back of the car. The car swerved around and came to a stop.
"What happened?!" I yelled.
"He shot our tires out!" he said as he frantically searched through the glove compartment. I glanced back at the others. Worry was painted across their faces.
"We're trapped," Jasper mumbled. "No! You guys are gonna run," Sebastian ordered as he finally pulled out a pistol.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked. He put the gun down on the seat and wrapped his hands around my shoulders.
"Run and don't come back for me!"
"You're not coming?!" Sheng whimpered. Sebastian's gaze drifted downward. He finally pulled his dark eyes back up to me.
"Take care of them," he whispered.
"No, man, we're not leaving you!" Issac protested.
Sebastian's face hardened as he turned and hopped out the car.
"No!" I screamed. I shoved the car door opened and stared at the man holding the gun. My heart jumped as I noticed who it was. It was Collins. My hand twitched as I stared him down.
Fire ran through my veins and I could feel my eyes light up. Collins smirked as he slowly raised the gun.
"Danni!" Sebastian screamed. I felt his fingers curl around my arm. He yanked me back behind him.
"What are you doing?!" Another gunshot rang out and blood exploded from Sebastian shoulder. He cried out in agony as he crumpled to the ground. My heart stopped. I dropped down and wrapped Sebastian's good arm around my shoulder. I looked at the others in the van.
"Go!" I screamed. "Go into the woods!"
The others rushed out of the van and did as I said. I rushed into the woods with Sebastian glued to my side.
"Where were you shot? Are you okay?!" I quaked.
"Shoulder!" he groaned. My attention snapped back to behind me as I heard Collins run after us. I quickly set Sebastian down on the forest floor.
"What are you doing?!" he questioned.
I grabbed Sebastian's pistol from his hand and pointed it towards the sound. Just as I rounded a tree, a hand slammed down on the muzzle of my pistol. Collins yanked it out of my hand and I watched as it went flying into the dark forest. My heart sank as Collins stepped into view. He towered over me as he walked closer and closer. I backed up and just stared into his angry, dark eyes. My heart was hammering in my ears, my mind screaming at me to run, but my body just frozen in fear. Everything switch to instinct as he reached his huge hand towards me. I grabbed my pocket knife and swung. The knife cut into the thin air as he wielded his arm back. His fingers clamped around my hand. My blood ran cold. He yanked the knife out of my fingers and swung. I cried out in agony as the blade tore through my forehead. He threw the knife to the ground and pulled handcuffs from his belt. I tried to pull my arm from his grasp but his fingers were sealed around my wrist like concrete.
"Help!" I screamed.
I struggled and pulled with all my might, my muscles aching but he didn't budge. A loud crack came from behind him. He released his crushing grip and flipped around. I stumbled back and fell to the ground. I looked up to see Sebastian with the pistol pointed at Collins. Collins flung his arm back so fast and back slapped Sebastian so hard. Sebastian just stood there, stars in his eyes. Collins grabbed Sebastian's wrist and flipped him head over heels. I screamed as Sebastian got on top of him and drove his fists into Sebastian's face, over and over again.
"Stop!" I screamed.
I shot up and leaped right on Collins back. I grabbed his chin and pulled as hard as I could. Pain burst from my nose as his elbow struck me. I gripped my nose and fell back as the pain and blood exploded from my nose. Tears gushed from my eyes. All I could see was red as the pain consumed my brain. I rolled over onto my back. I glanced back at Collins. Sebastian was actually on his feet, his fist raised to Collins. Sebastian swung but Collins ducked and then jabbed his fist into his stomach. Sebastian gasped and clang to his stomach. Dispite him being in obvious pain, he swung again and again missed. He then wrapped his arm around Sebastian's and flipped him over his back. The last thing I saw was Sebastian on the ground, clinging to his chest before Collins got on top of him again and drove his fists into his face. The next thing I knew, he had Sebastian pinned to a tree, his hand wrapped around his neck. The air was ripped from my lungs as I stared into his bleeding and bruised face. His eyes were closed and he wasn't fighting Collins back. He completely dropped him and Collins flipped his head back to me.
"On your stomach!" he ordered. I didn't. I just stared at him as he started towards me. The only thing running through my head, was the though of what would happen to us now. Collins quickly stopped in his tracks. His eyes grew wide and his neck whipped to the side, a loud crack echoing through the air. I gasped as Collins eyes bulged. He then fell to his side. I looked forward to see Sheng standing there, his hands reached out, balled into fists, his eyes glowing blue. I ran past Collins and ran to Sebastian's side. I flipped him onto his back. I gasped as I stared at his face. His left eye was black and blue and swollen shut. His lip was gushing out blood and his cheekbones were cut open.
"Is he okay?!" Sheng cried. I ignored the sound of Jasper and Issac running to our sides. I shook Sebastian's shoulders, praying that he would wake up.
"Sebastian! Sebastian!" I screamed.
"Oh, crap," Jasper mumbled.
"Wake up! Please!"
His eyelid flickered as he slowly pried them open.
"Ow," he mumbled. I took in a deep breath of relief.
"Thank God," I mumbled. His eyes narrowed as he stared at me. He slowly lifted his hand and touched my face.
"You're...bleeding," he choked out.
"You should see yourself! Can you stand?"
He shook his head and grimaced as he moved.
"Not really."
"Well, you're going to have to! Please!" Issac pulled Sebastian's arm around his shoulders and attempted to lift him.  Sebastian clumsily stumbled to his feet as Issac picked him up. His head leaned back as he let out a shallow gasp. I glanced at him. His swollen eyes were as open as he could get them, glazed over but alert, just staring at the sky. He was trembling in Issac's arms.
"C'mon, Seb. We think we found East River ahead!"
My heart jumped at that. We could get him some help.
"We have to hurry!" I yelled. I wrapped Sebastian's other arm around my shoulder and tried to run forward. My heart pounded as we got closer and closer to a clearing. I could almost taste the freedom, no more hiding, no more running. I could hear the sound of a campfire in the distance.
"We're almost there!" I screamed. We broke through the brush and into the clearing. My smile was ripped from my face as I stared out at the burned, desolate land. If this was East River, there's nothing left of it now. Everything was...gone. The ground was black and crisp. Smoke hovered above the ground and trees were still being eaten away by fire. Large tents were now flattened. You could see evidence that there were kids here, but it was now only a dead memory. My chest was caving in on my heart.
"No," I mumbled.
"You gotta be fu---." Issac's voice trailed off as he slowly walked in front of us.
"Five years...five years of trying to figure this out, trying to find this place! We got chased around the damn world only to find nothing!" he screamed. I glanced down at Sebastian. He just stared forward, not saying anything.
"W---what happened?" Sheng asked.
I glanced around. It didn't take much at all for me to know what happened. I've seen this kind of damage so much, that it was second nature to me.
"Reds," I quaked.
"Wait!" Jasper yelled. "You guys hear that?"
I turned to Jasper to see him staring back at the woods. Everything went silent and that's when I heard the sound of twigs and leafs crunching beneath feet. I could hear it all around me. My heart was banging against my rib cage.
"Kids?!" A voice came. My heart dropped. I recognized that voice.
"Murphy," Jasper quaked. Issac grabbed ahold of Sebastian and shoved us forward.
"Go!" he yelled. We quickly ran into one of the decimated buildings.  Issac and I gently set Sebastian down.
"Hand me the gun!" Jasper ordered. Issac grabbed the pistol from his belt and handed it him. Sheng nugged the handle of the pistol into my leg. I quickly grabbed it and looked out the window. The air was yanked out of my lungs. Adults surrounded the perimeter of the woods. I couldn't tell if they were all FBI agents or not. Two men slowly walked forward. I could see Murphy walking next to someone holding a megaphone. The man lifted the megaphone to his mouth.
"Kids...my name is Rob. I'm with the children's league. And from what I understand, your friend is seriously injured, right?"
I glanced down at Sebastian. He just laid on the floor, constantly wincing in pain.
"We can help him. Mr. Murphy here has promised that if you all come forward, then there will be no charges for what happened to Collin."
"They're lying," Sebastian groaned.
"Obviously!" Jasper barked. Jasper lifted the pistol and shot one off. The gunshot echoed through the air.
"Leave!" he screamed.
"I know...what they're plan is," Sebastian croaked. "The League wants Danni back and the rest of us will go with Murphy...but Rob is planning on betraying him. He wants Danni and you guys, but I'd still go with Murphy."
I chuckled and dropped my gun as an idea came rushing into my head.
"C'mon, guys! We have the place surrounded!" Rob called out.
Sheng grabbed the bottom of my shirt.
"What are you gonna do?" he asked.
I didn't even look down at him. My hands twitched violently by my side.
"They want a Red...I'll give them a Red!"
I started towards the door, the fire simmering under my skin.
"Wait!" Sebastian gasped as he reached out and caught my hand. I glanced back at him.
His eyes were glazed over with tears. I couldn't help but to feel my eyes fill with tears too. I just wanted this to be over. For us to live peacefully.
"It's too dangerous," he mumbled. I squeezed his hand tight.
"You've protected me all this time. Now it's time I return the favor." He clenched his jaw and just stared at me for a moment.
My whole world has shifted since I've met them. Before them, I never really knew what family was.
Sebastian finally nodded. I flashed a weak smile before turning and walking out the door, into the open. My eyes lit up red, the fire licked at the ends of my hair and wrapped around my limbs. I could hear people screaming at me to stop, but all I could see was red. The heat consumed my flesh and my mind. I raised my hands to hurl the fire at them.
My throat slammed shut and my eyes widened as something slowly brushed against my brain. Everything went numb. The fire was extinguished and my eyes glazed over with emptiness. My body stood there, frozen unable to move. I felt his hooks latch onto my brain. My heart dropped as Sebastian walked in front of me, his eyes glowing brilliant orange. I wanted to fight it, but I couldn't. Everything was on lockdown. I watched as a tear slid down his cheek. He placed his warm hand on my cheek. My heart thudded against my rib cage as his thumb brushed up against my skin. He brought his face closer to mine. He pushed my hair behind my ear. A tear broke through my glazed over eyes as his fingers trickled down to my jawline.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
He then pressed his lips into mine. I enjoyed what I could of that small little kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead onto mine.
"Take care of them for me...and stay alive, Red." And with four words, he broke my heart.
"Go with the League." I turned and didn't look back as I did what he said. I walked to the closet agent and just...let them put a muzzle on me. He cuffed my hands behind my back. Then, Sebastian's hooks unlatched. Everything came rushing back like an unwanted chill.
I flipped my head around to see the others going with the League as well. I glanced over to see Sebastian with a muzzle on, every gun pointed at him. I lurched towards him.
"Sebastian!" I screamed. I tried to get away from the agent's grasp, but he held onto my arms so tight. I cried out in agony over and over again as I watched Murphy shove Sebastian into a van.
"No!" I screamed.
This can't be happening. I could barley comprehend what was going on. All I knew was that it was over. It was all over. I watched as my family dissapeared into separate vans. My body went numb once again, but not from Sebastian's control, but from my own heartache. I felt this deep sinking feeling in my gut. The tears spilled over my eye lids. Anger also boiled all at the same time. I squeezed my fist and lurched my head back, screaming my heart out. All of my pain and anger was transfered into that scream. The scream tore up my throat. The agent wrapped their arms around me. He lifted me and threw me into the back fo the van. My whole world stopped as he slammed the door shut and locked it.


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