Chapter Eight- Back on the Hyperloop

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A quiet whirr was heard as Nadia opened and closed her heavy eyelids. In front of her was a pale-skinned girl, whose lashes dipped ever so slowly. Her face was streaked with dirt and there was crust collected in her closed eyes. She looked somber, peaceful even.

Nadia glanced around the room. It appeared to be a large train car, with all the windows blocked out. There was nothing inside but her and the girl, with a door on one end of the car. She saw a silhouette of someone pacing back and forth, most likely on the phone, though it was muffled and she could hardly hear anything. 

Nadia's head spun as everything came rushing back to her. Lola, the stranger, and seeing a dart land on Yuki seconds after one stabbed her. And...that dream.

She wasn't sure if this was fate, but she did know who the stranger was. 


She should've remembered, it could've saved their lives! But she couldn't. She'd let herself be blinded by the myths of friendship...

But even so, she didn't know if Delilah was trying to kill them. If she was, she would have tried a long time ago, right? What if Lola and Yuki were attempting to lead Nadia somewhere and Delilah wanted to stop her? After all, she knew nothing about the two girls, whereas she'd known Delilah for two years.

But did she really know Delilah?

The door slid open, an ear-splitting screeching noise coming from the inside. Delilah, as expected walked out. She was still wearing the blue hoodie and black jeans, but her long curly hair was tied in a low ponytail that grazed her waist. Contacts replaced her glasses and her cheeky grin was now a straight, thin line.

Nadia could feel her heart jump out of her throat, and for all the wrong reasons. Delilah, who was completely ignoring Nadia's presence, walked over to the small control screen and muttered a few commands, making the hyperloop go faster.

She turned to Nadia and acknowledged her for a short moment. "Stupid tranquilizers..." She muttered. 

Yuki stirred nearby and Nadia turned to study her face. The girl's milky white skin was streaked with dirt, which she had no doubt been dragged in. One arm of her denim jacket was ripped completely off. Her dress was covered in dirt, and a few red droplets that she assumed were blood. Just seeing it made her own blood boil.

Yuki's long lashes opened slowly, revealing her striking eyes. The pupils squinted as they adjusted to the bright light of the hyperloop. 

She struggled to speak, and images of icy terrain flashed through Nadia's mind. "Where- where we?"

Nadia would have responded if she could. Her own mouth was frozen over.

Delilah looked at the two and laughed, sending the cruel vibrations over the unfortunate objects that were in the room. "What a bond. And you two have known each other for what, a day?" She scoffed.

Nadia suddenly found her words again. "I've known you for more than a year, and our bond wasn't even real."

Delilah smiled, chipper as ever. "You got that right!"

Nadia was struck at how blunt Delilah was. She didn't even care about the friendship and memories. It was all something she could scrap as soon as she felt like it.

"You were the one who followed us," Nadia continued. "You shot us with- with tranquilizers. Care to explain?"

Delilah circled the room. "Don't mind if I do. You see, Nadia, I was assigned to keep watch over a few certain people. People my boss thought were...from Antarctica."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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