chapter fOuR

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~This a long chapter (1210 words) and this is the part with gory and blood stuff ~ J 💖

There was a BIG crash noise that sounded like a window breaking (and there were windows in the room) and i heard the students screams.

The teacher pulled the fire alarm and I heard another teacher across the hall yell,"call 911!!" Our teacher told us to leave the classroom immediately.

But i didn't

I was still in the back office area and I stayed in there the whole time. Once I heard that everyone was out of the classroom I slowly walked out to see what was going on. My heart was beating out of my chest. Big bullets of sweat came down on me once i saw what was there. . . My heart dropped. . . there's blood everywhere... My heart beating out of my chest. The feeling i'm gonna throw up is getting greater and greater.. holy shit-

In the front of the classroom there was a broken window and a man lying on the ground in front of it. I inferred that the man there was thrown through the window. I was going to leave and get help but when i took a closer look my stomach dropped and i felt my face turn red...


On the ground was the one and only Tom Holland shot in the stomach lying in a pool of blood.

I immediately ran to his side and from all the doctor shows i've seen, I grabbed a jacket that was left on someone's chair and applied pressure on the wound to stop the blood. I was panicking. He looked unconscious and I tried to wake him up.

I kept one hand on the wound and used my other hand to grab my book bag. I looked in the pocket and grabbed my phone. I pressed the emergency button on the lock screen and dialed 911.

I started to cry... and wonder..
Why was Tom even here.
How did he get here and why and when and...

My thoughts trailed off and someone picked up the phone.
"Hello this is 911 what's your emergency?" I was shaking, my heart pounding, feeling like i'm gonna barf, i still got the courage to speak.

"hello??!! I have a wounded man, shot to be exact a-and i'm trying to stop the blood a-and I am very worried and i don't know what to do!!" At that moment i started bawling. I hated to see him in this pain. It was too much for me to watch..

"Ok ma'am, can you identify this person and also tell me where you're located.."
I took a breath. "His name is Tom Holland. THE Tom Holland and he's here unconscious, shot somewhere near the stomach"- While i was talking Tom started to wake up and come to and i didn't notice-" Please Please hurry!! He can't die. He's an inspiration to me and so many people across the world so please... p-please hur-ry. . ." My voice trailed off and i was sobbing. I couldn't keep in all the emotion.

"It's alright we have sent officers and ambulances to your location. We know you're location because a principal called telling the exact same thing to us (minus the tom holland stuff) and we are headed you way. . . stay calm"

I whimpered and ended the call. I put my phone down and looked back at Tom. My eyes lit up as i saw he was awake. I tried and used all my strength to lean him up against the wall. I didn't care if he heard anything I said about him. All that matters is if he survives.

I leaned him against the wall and told him to stay awake before the medics got here. I kept applying pressure on the gun shot and told him to do the same.

While I held his hand and pressed on his wound he started to talk in a raspy whisper.. "a-am i g-going to d-die.."

I heard him and immediately froze. My lip was quivering and more tears streamed down my face at once. "NO! n-no don't say that. You are going to survive and i believe in that.. you should too...." My voice was shaking so was my hands and the rest of my body.

Tom rested his hand on top of mine that was on top of his wound. "d-did you m-mean wh-what you s-said about..about me?" he managed to get out. I looked at him with confusion. he must have heard what i said to the caller, I said in my head.

"Of course I did. You have made the bad times good and always put a smile on my face a-and you inspire me.... and so many other people and fans around the world also admire you. For gods sake people in this fucking world would die for you!!!" My lips were quivering very much. And i couldn't stop crying. "I love you Tom... and I know there are other people and fans out there who do too. . ." My voice trailed off again. "and don't forget about your family.. they love you and would die for you and they need you. . ."

Tom smiled in response and began to go unconscious again. I told him to stay awake and that the medics would be here any minute. I knew it was hard for him, but he nodded in response.

I held his hand tight while still applying pressure. Faintly i heard sirens outside the school... I sighed with little relief in my head. I knew this wasn't over yet but at least i have help now. . .

I looked back at Tom to tell him the good news but his eyes were closed and he was unconscious. I shook him a little bit, I called his name but he didn't come to.

I started to get worried

I broke down crying and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let him go. . . I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on him, never wanting to let him go.. ever but i knew i had too. .  . .  .

Just at that moment paramedics, medics, officers (or whatever i don't know) broke the door down and rushed in. I snapped my eyes open and let go of Tom. I moved to beside of him and got out the way and watched them hoist him up on the rolly bed thing (sorry i don't know what they're called!!)

They rushed Tom out of the room and outside the school, immediately into an ambulance. Some police officers stayed behind to investigate what had happened. So did medics. They stayed behind and got me a blanket to wrap around me and walked me out of the room.

My hands were covered in blood and i was internally and externally shaking. I knew what i had witnessed would scar me for life. . .

OMG this chapter is loooong because i knew what i was going to say at this part of the story (fanfic) and i didn't. know what to write before this part. But there should be 1 or 2 more chapters after this one so K bYe fAm
~ J 💖

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