chapter niNe

36 1 1

hi just wanted to say this puppy video is so cute 🥺 ok bYe enjoy :))


i woke up and i felt pain in my neck. Apparently i slept on it wrong so yay. I starred at the ceiling for a bit before i picked up my phone. I scrolled on tiktok for a bit before Stevie came in.

"Hey superstar! how'd you sleep?" "ok i guess" i yawned. "well like i said if there's anything you need just tell me. i'm always here." He smiled and started to turn away, but i stopped him. The thoughts about tom flooded me again and now was my chance to ask him for some updates. "Wait actually there is something i need." "of course." I took a deep breath. "How's tom holland doing? Do you know any updates about his situation?!"

"I'm sorry but i don't think i can give you that information. You know hospitals. They're always keeping stuff a secret and confidential.." He has sorrow in his eyes. "I'm sorry to worry you." He said as he slowly walked out. I mumbled a "it's fine" and lied down. I had tears in my eyes and cried silently, trying to keep most of it in. I had worries. I had doubts. Negative thoughts always came into my mind and sadly i couldn't send them away. They just stayed there, creating my pain.

A few hours passed and i just finished lunch when something unexpected happened. Stevie stepped in the door way. "Hey superstar. Looks like you have visitors.." who walked in we're bff/1 and bff/2. They came in with awkwardness but when they saw me they had big smiles on their faces. "Hey what a surprise!" I said. "Hi" bff/1 said. "Hi y/n how crazy it is to be here." bff/2 said. "yeah it's pretty crazy" I mumbled. We hung out and talked for awhile and of course THE topic had to come up at some point.

"So what happened at school weird, wild stuff." bff/1 chuckled. bff/2 also did and i tried to but the memories came back like a tsunami and my face drooped. "uh anyways" bff/2 tried to change the subject but i stopped her. "No. I haven't been real with y'all and i should be. That experience at school was the most traumatized i've been. Ever. I was shaking. I was stuttering. I didn't know what to do, so much was happening at once i couldn't keep up." I told them more of my experience and tears started to form. bff/1 and bff/2 exchanged sad faces and both have me a group hug. It was the best 5 seconds that i had at the hospital.

Hours went by and the talking and laughing was over. Bff/1 and Bff/2 left and i was left alone at the hospital once again. My mind wondered and i remember that one thought... how is tom?! is he ok?! where is he?! and so on. I remembered i couldn't be told what his status was but i needed to know. I have to know. Doesn't Stevie know what i went through?! I should know what happens to him.

gigantor time skip cuz we epic like that

It's been a couple days now and i'm still in this hospital. Only because i need excuses to stay so i can see what's up with tom. I went on my phone for an hour and was bored out of my mind. I always felt like crying but didn't have much emotion to anyway.

When night came along, i decided to listen to some music. I opened up spotify and plugged in my earphones. I listened to my sad playlist that i made. It's full of sad and in the feels songs. I was on the song "heather" when something caught my eye outside my room. There were doctors running back and forth with worry in their eye and grabbing more doctors to come to where they were running to.

I sat up, keeping my earphones in, and looked out the door in curiosity. I saw one doctor run to another doctor. There was some mumbling but i could make out some of what they were saying.. "the patient seems to be having an unexpected seizure" "ok what's the patients name?" The next thing i heard my face immediately dropped. My heart dropped. Everything inside of me began to freeze. I cant believe i just heard that. Tears immediately filled my eyes and streamed down my face. I saw Stevie run into the room with a load of other doctors. I broke down.

this cannot be happening. this cannot be happening. this cannot be happening.....
The more i said it, the more i believed this was happening. The person i looked up to... the person who kept my life going... the person i only knew for a few months but seem like forever.....

I hid behind my door while i saw doctors come out the room with sad faces and hearing a faint voice saying "time of death..." (i learned that from greys anatomy ;)

I couldn't breathe. All this emotion i was feeling all came out at once. I completely collapse to the floor and sob my heart out. The song  playing in my ears didn't help one bit. I took them out and crawled into my bed, laying in wet tears.

Tom Holland has died. And i never got to see him again.... the only encounter was when he was weakest and..... now i cant see him when he's strong... I feel like my heart got ripped out of me and stepped on and offered back to me but i declined and kept my empty soul forever. 

I couldn't cooperate with this. I couldn't except it was real. I was in denial... I stopped the tears and said enough is enough. Before i could get up from the bed, Stevie walked in and immediately saw that i was crying. And he also immediately knew that i knew what he knew that he was gonna tell me. "So... you've heard haven't you?.." He pulled up a chair and slowly sat down. "seen" I said in a raspy voice. "I know this must be hard-" i cut him off "Of course you know it's hard cuz you're supposed to say that to people but you actually don't. You didn't let me know what his status was and you didn't let me know what was wrong with him and if you did i could've helped  in a small way!! Now he's gone and nothing will ever be the same." I was yelling  and tears streamed faster down my face. We sat there in silence and awkwardness and didn't say a thing.

I picked up phone up and put back in my earphones and pressed play. The sad music filled my head. I closed my eyes and my mind wondered and became lost.
Soon i was drifted off. The pain gone, but i knew it was only temporary. I didn't know what i would do next or how the future would be. I didn't think those things either as i didn't take this time for granted. I drifted farther and farther away from reality. Until i became l o s t. . .

HEY GUYSSSS!!!! so yeah that's basically the end unless y'all wanna s e q u e l ahaha no but yeah that's the end so yeah ok go read my other story >3<
                                 ~ J 💖
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