The Double A

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Chapter 4

I sat on the end of Tayka's bed. Her room was about the same size as the one I slept in last night but it had one large king-sized bed instead of four bunk beds. There was a table next to the door. On it were lots of papers stacked high. On the other side of the room was a large wooden wardrobe. It was old and scratched but sturdy, just like all the other furniture in the 'base'. Nothing matched really. All the furniture was probably taken off the kerb, bought from garage sales or perhaps stolen. The door creaked open and Tayka slipped in.

"Alright, now that I've settled the fight over Frosted Shreddies, it's time to chat" she said calmly. "Firstly, I'd like to apologise for yesterday, but after you have finished hearing my reasons, you will hopefully understand." Tayka paused, perhaps waiting for any objections, but I just nodded in reply. "Have you heard of the Amendment Administration? Or the Double A?"

The name sounded painfully familiar but I just couldn't picture where I heard it from.

"Yes, it sounds familiar," I replied, "but I'm not 100% sure why."

"The Double A is a group of people who are interested in creating a revolution. They plan to drastically change the way people live in the UK and eventually, all over the world. They are not only just a group; they are a church, or rather, a cult. They disguise their purely evil and selfish plan as a 'revolutionary way of life' which will apparently 'change the future for good'. In simple language, they plan to take over the world."

"That's impossible!" I exclaimed.

"No," sighed Tayka, "the Amendment Administration has been working for over 100 years and they have been using forces that any unsuspecting UK citizen would not be able to comprehend."

"How have they not been caught out yet?" I inquired.

"As I said, they are disguised as a do-good church, and even now, not many people have heard of the administration, only those who are curious or interested in that sort of thing." I must've looked confused because Tayka added, "The point is, the Amendment Administration is bad, not many people know about it. That's why we are here; Zander, Rhett, Jax, Maddy and I, it's our job to try and put their plans to a halt." So many questions bubbled up my throat, waiting to be blurted out but before I could say anything there was loud knocking at the door. Tayka walked over to the door. Before she could reach for the handle I finally squeaked,

"What does this have to do with me and you throwing me out yesterday?"

"Well, your father, Michael Henderson? He is one of the high leaders of the Double A," she answered remorsefully. Suddenly, it all clicked in my brain. My parents never told me what my father did for work and I never questioned it. They probably didn't tell me because they knew I would oppose it. I'm difficult like that. That's why we were never religious, because my family were already part of some cult. My mother and father would go to meetings together every Friday night. They told me it was a neighbourhood meeting where people came together to talk about our town and how we can improve it. Now that I think about it, why would they go to that? They didn't really talk to many of the locals when we were out and about so why would they go meet up to chat every Friday? My mother worked in a diner on the other side of town. Every time I asked to go eat there, she would say that it really wasn't anything special, that we could enjoy her cooking at home and not have to pay the price for it. She was probably bullshitting, and was actually working for this Double A thing. That explains the brainwashing, the strict rules and the good morals. It was all a lie. Loud shouting from the kitchen brought me back into reality. I stood up. My legs felt weak and my head felt light. I would have never of guessed any of this, and even then, I struggled to believe my parents were 'taking over the world' - whatever that was supposed to mean. I guessed I would find out. Slowly, I made my way out of Tayka's room and into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. When I got there, milk was spilt all over the table in the centre of the room, Rhett had his arm around Maddy's shoulder and Zander was leaning against the counter with his arms folded. Jax meanwhile was oblivious to the whole situation and continued to chomp down his Frosted Shreddies in the corner of the kitchen. Everybody looked at me briefly when I entered the room but soon went back to whatever was happening before.

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