p r o l o g u e

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I watched as the flames started to engulf the house, with it's red, fiery arms enclosing it, burning the items inside into ashes. The pungent smoke started to creep into my nose, then lungs, making me cough. It also made the inside of my nose itch, or have a tingling feeling, something that ran in the family. Whenever we were to smell smoke, our noses would start to itch. It was a blessing in disguise I guess, as none of us would die of smoking the tons and millions of chemicals through a cigarette.

The flames were to bright, and I had to look down, blinking as the smoke made my eyes water.


That was how I felt and I knew Zak would too. How could I have been so careless? I burnt the whole goddamn house with just a bowl of soup.

Can anyone be that stupid?

"Lyssabelle!" I heard Zak's familiar voice call out for me.

"I'm here!" I called back once I saw his figure and his head turned so fast I wondered if he got a whiplash.

"I'm sorry," I said as he came closer, feeling tears start to brim my lower eyelids.

Zak's lips curled into a frown, and I felt a tear slip, trickling down my cheek like it was creeping up on my jaw.

Oh god, he's mad at me. That's why he's frowning. Oh no. Oh goddamn me.

"For what?" Zak's eyebrows furrowed.

"For burning the house down, what else?" I sniffed and used the back of my palm to wipe away my tears.

"No, no c'mere," Zak engulfed me into a hug and I cried into my brother's shirt.

God, I'm so stupid.

"Shh," Zak comforted, stroking my hair, "it's okay."

"No, it's not!" I shouted and pulled away, "everything's ruined. Pictures of mom and dad, the money we had inside, everything! Furniture. Books. Stuff in our rooms. Clothes. The house itself. All gone, and god knows how long it'd take for us to get them back!"

"Lyss, listen! It's okay, we'll make it work. We've saved up, and I have a job! We'll try to make it work!" Zak said, exasperated, "okay?"

"Alright, alright," I sniffed and wrapped my arms around myself, the cold air starting to act on my body.

"Here," Zak said, handing me his thick blazer since he had a long sleeved button down inside.

I, on the other hand, had a camisole on, with a pair of leggings. The cool, nighttime wind started to brush past my shoulders as I put Zak's jacket on.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Zak? Lyss?" I heard Megan's familiar voice call out.

Both Zak and I turned around to search the source of the voice.

Megan was jogging towards us, as fast as her heels could bring her.

"Are you guys okay?" Megan asked as she engulfed me into a hug, then Zak.

"Feeling pretty okay for a guy who's house has just burnt down," Zak retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes and hugging Megan back.

I started to feel like he was guilt tripping me, to make me feel horrible without exactly saying he was pissed at me.

I looked down at my hands, staring at the only three things I had managed to save from the fire - my phone, my wallet and a box of cash I had in which I put money I saved inside, for college in the future. Since it was my last year in high school, I thought it should be time for me to save up. I had about five thousand saved up, but surely that wouldn't be enough. There was some in my bank account I think, money which mom and dad put in before they left us. At least they had the heart to supply us with money, enough to renew some of our stuff that were lost in the flames.

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