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Chapter 9: Well, see you around

I was lounging around on the couch when the doorbell rang. I looked at Summer as if to telepathically ask if she invited anyone to come.

Because we were just that lazy.

She shook her head to tell me no and I started to think if Vince had any guests coming over. Does he have any friends, in the first place?

Then my mind went all crazy and started to think of what if it's Vanessa at the door. What if... Vince and her actually kiss in front of my face.

God, I'll literally gag.

The thought of them sticking each others tongue down each other's throat seemed so gross that the mental image was stuck in my mind.


Vince started jogging down the stairs and that sort of proved my prediction that Vanessa was at the door. Great. The dragon-clawed, annoying pretty girl was going to be in at least the same ten feet radius as I was.

I turned my attention towards the television where Teen Wolf was currently playing, but couldn't seem to concentrate as all I could think of and hear of was the sound of the door clicking open. Summer's eyes were completed glued to the television as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. You could tell it was a really dramatic scene due to the background music and I really wanted to concentrate, but that seemed almost impossible.

Question is, why?

And it came as a shock to me when I didn't hear her perky little voice. Instead, I heard a gruff and deep voice. He sounded like he had just reached puberty a few years ago, which made me think that he was my age.

"Lyssie? It's for you," he smirked as he looked at me.

So it's not Vanessa. Yes!

"Call me that again and you'll never be able to produce babies," I walked towards him and glared.

I was greeted by a young man - probably in his late teens, which proved that I was right - and smiled. M cheeks burned up in embarrassment as I saw him hold back his laughter from my previous remark. Great, I had embarrassed myself in front of a hot, cute and amazing-haired teenage boy. It seemed almost impossible to have 'cute' and 'hot' in the same sentence, but he proved that it was plausible

Oh yes, he was cute. Were mailboys meant to be this cute? I mean, they could spend their life just being cute. All he needed to do was get some girl to take a picture of him while he works in Target.

I don't remember the mailman that deliverd my band tee-shirts this cute. In fact, he was at least fifty and had nothing else to do but to send mail and drink lots of booze. He had a beer-belly the size of a pregnant lady's stomach, and his breath reeked of alcohol when he spoke.

"Lyssabelle Waldorff?" he asked, raising an eyebrow just by a little.

"Lyssabelle is me," I nodded and gave a small smile.

"These were retrieved from the fire from your house. My dad, one of the police there, had me come as he's working on another case," he explained and I smiled. These items had completely slipped my mind. It then made me realize that it had been almost a month living in the Frerri household.

So he's not a mailboy.

Still cute.

The curiosity was eating me inside out and all I wanted was that box in my hands with me ripping it open.

"Thanks," I retrieved the box from him.

The box was a little heavy, and I wondered how much items could have been retrieved from a fire like that. Then again, my upper arm strength was very limited.

"So, uhm I'll be going then," he eyed me carefully, "enjoy your day."

"You too, uhm...?" I was unsure of his name, of course, since he never told me. But I felt that if he knew my name, I should at least know his.

"Cameron!" he grinned, as if happy to tell me his name.

"Well, see you around," I smiled, then he smiled, and I shut the door.

I was well aware that I had said 'see you around' which meant that I sort of wanted to see him again, didn't it? Why the hell am I so awkward when it comes to guys? He was probably dying to laugh out loud when I said that.

Turning around with my heels already off the ground to rush up to Summer's room, I was greeted by two pairs of eyes looking at me.

"What is it?" Summer asked but you could see that Vince was dying to know as well.

He stared at me with wide eyes, almost like telling an interesting - yet fake - fairytale or myth about the tooth fairy. And of course there was Dwayne Johnson came and lifted up every child's hopes and dreams when really, those that actually placed the money were there were their parents.

Of course I've never experienced my parents placing them under my pillow but Zak had put chocolate under my pillow because he was too young to actually place money there.

"Some stuff they retrieved from the fire," I shrugged.

"Can we see?" she asked, a little too excited for burnt things.

"Uhm, it's k-kind of personal. I kinda w-want to open it my-myself first," I said softly, not wanting to hurt her feelings whatsoever.

"Oh, that's okay," she gave me a warm, motherly-type of smile that made me miss my parents a little more.

"I'll show you later if there's anything interesting," I gave a small smile.

I rushed upstairs and tossed the box onto the bed. Of course I failed miserably since I didn't have much upper arm strength. Then I thought there must be fragile items inside, but there wasn't any 'fragile' sticker. If anything breaks, it'd so not be my fault.

The box was filled with items I didn't necessarily need. There were mugs and necklaces, along with some micro-chips in a little ziplock-bag, that probably belonged to the laptops and electronics we had.

There was something that caught my eye though. It seemed like a metal cookie container, but I don't remember ever seeing it.

I gingerly ran my fingers on the delicate rose details that popped up just by a millimeter from the actual surface.

It was really rusted, and a little faded probably due to the flame that rubbed off the color. The soot from the smoke was rubbed off - not that neatly and cleanly - but it still looked like a gorgeous vintage container.

I popped the lid up with a lot of strength for such a small container. The irony. The rust and dust made me have the urge to sneeze, but I held it in.

There were a lot of pieces of paper in the container, most of them were postcards that were addressed to Philip and Kelly, my mom's names. They were from my grandparents.

A rusted and yellow-ish colored envelop - probably due to the amount of time it's been in there and the years that passed - attracted my eyes. They were addressed to Zakary and Lyssabelle Waldorff, and that was us of course. Our names were written in a neat and cursive handwritting, probably by mom. Though, of course, guys could have better handwritting. I was just being stereotypical.

What the letter be about?

I guess it's safe to say that when they say curiosity killed the cat, it's true.

Because I opened it.


Author's Note: I'd love to thank the wattpader takeeatrip for the wonderful idea of having to finally retrieve the remains from the fire. I'd completely forgotten about that! I have changed it just a little bit, but the plot still remained so I thought you still deserved the credit and I really love this idea. It could last for a few chapters of the start of the climax. Love it<3

As for the other ideas that I didn't choose, they were great but I thought this was a little more suitable for the storyline. I might, however, add them to other chapters as I go along with the story.

What did you think of this chapter? xx

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