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Chapter 10: Staring, sniffing and sobbing

Dear Zakary and Lyssabelle, it had read.

My hands were now shaking and even though I hadn't read the rest of the words other than those four words, tears were already threatening to escape.

Closing my eyes, I inhaled a huge amount of oxygen, preparing myself for what's there to read.

However you may have found this letter, your father and I would like to say we are really sorry. You guys didn't deserve this. And I know it doesn't mean much but that's all we can really say.

Honestly, you guys were the best that has ever happened to us. We didn't want to leave. We'd never ever leave if we had the choice. But we didn't.

Somehow, we knew that you'd find this letter. Whether you guys had became billionaires, and started clearing out the house and found this box in the attic, or if you guys had did something to have found this letter, we'd never know.

Truthfully, we might not even be alive when you're reading this.

I stopped reading. My breath was caught. And my tears flooded my vision. I would handle them leaving, but them dying and leaving the face of the earth? I can't take that.

With another deep breath, I continued.

You guys should know Joseph. He's probably told you that he hates us for leaving, but that was all just a cover up. He knows the truth and I know it'd be way better if you heard it from us, but I think Joseph could explain why we left a little better than us through this letter.

We're truly, truly sorry. From the bottom of our hearts. Maybe you guys wouldn't even bother because you hate us too much, but Joseph has answers that never in a million years you would've guessed. He knows a lot. And maybe that'd lessen the hate you have for us. Though, you have every right to be mad at us.

If we're still alive, that is.

Joseph will also know if we're alive or not, but guys, don't blame him if he hadn't told you why for the amounts of years we have left you two. We begged him not to. Whether you've found this in the year two thousand, or in two thousand and twenty, or maybe when you're old, like sixty, we hope you'd forgive us. Truth be told, Joseph might not even be alive if you find this when you're both old, but we had told him to write down a full explanation or a video to pass down to whoever's a teen or young adult like you two.

Just know that we never would've left if we had the choice.

Love always and forever, Philip and Kelly.

I stared at the words in the end. Then I read over a few phrases over and over again. Then over and over again.

Joseph knows. He knows.

We're truly, truly sorry.

We begged him not to.

You have every right to be mad at us.

If we're still alive.

All these words and phrases replayed in my mind.

My eyes roamed through the letter once more, before I started to feel blind. The lump in my throat formed, as if I was having a fur-ball.

But all that was in my mind was: Joseph knows.


I sat there for about thirty-minutes, just staring, sniffing, and sobbing. My back started to ache as I sat with my back hunched by a little and my legs in crisscross-applesauce.

The door clicked and I thought it was Summer, but instead I was greeted by Vince's warm and ruff voice.

"You've been here for- are you okay?" he stopped and asked as he looked at the state I was in.

"Not really," I let out a humorless laugh, before sniffing the snot that threatened to fall.

Not in front of Vince, I chanted to myself. Not in front of Vince.

"What's wrong?" he furrowed his eyebrows, care and concern in his voice. Or what seemed like it.

"Uhm, other than the f-fact that my parents might b-be dead or alive, and the man that we th-thought hated mom and dad's guts knows why they left, nothing much," I gave a smile, but it sort of came out as a cringe and more tears fell.

Vince's forehead creased and his lips frowned, before enveloping me into a hug within the time of two strides from the door to the bed.

His arms circled around me like protective buckles from seat-belts. Or like they were meant to keep me enclosed from any danger.

His manly perfume that could plausibly be Gucci or the Ferrari one that I have no idea was from what brand, but he didn't have much, which made me crave for more as I cried into his chest. His scent was addictive.

I sound like a werewolve. i've been watching way too much Teen Wolf with Summer over the past few days.

He tightened his hold and I whimpered, and rested his chin on the top of my head.

My arms soon found it's way around his waist and his muscular back was under my palm. Even though the thin sheet of cotton that stopped me from actually coming into contact with his back, the warmth that seeped through was more than enough.

In fact, his presence was already warmly comfortable. I snuggled into his chest but worried that I might stain his red colored shirt with my tears. I didn't pull away though.

I didn't seem to have enough willpower.

"What's happened?" he whispered.

"I don't know... I need... I need to see Zak," I mumbled, but it was muffled by his hard chest.

"I'll drive you there, yeah?" he pulled away, sadly, might I add.

I gave a small smile a nodded, before using the back of my palm to rub away all the tears and snot. Very, very disgustingly if you ask me.

"Throw on a jumper, it's pretty cold out," he said and I nodded, following his orders.

Vince left the room and soon I heard quick steps fading away as it bounced down the stairs. Soon after, muffles were heard as I pulled the oversized-jumper over my head.

The front said The 1975 and I smiled at the warmth that I finally was provided with. None of them compared to the warmth I felt when Vince had hugged me.

Human warmth could plausibly be warmer anyways.

Before heading downstairs, I slipped on a pair of white, shoreline Converse's and left the room.

The letter was already in the back pocket of my denim shorts, my phone in the front.

"Are you okay?" Summer asked as soon as I was visible to her.

"Not really," I breathed.

"C'mere," she wrapped her arms around me into a bear hug and shook me from side to side.

"Okay Summer, I think that's enough," Vince said seriously.

"Gee, who fell out from the wrong side of the bed? Oh right, you," Summer retorted and gave a pointed look to Vince while releasing me.

The two started bickering again like how they used to. It was normal to have small quarrels amongst themselves, but at times, they were not needed.

"Guys, I'm sort of in a rush here," I gestured to the door, and both of them snapped out the quarrel-trance and they nodded.

Time to get Zak.


Author's Note: two updates in a row today! What did you guys think of the letter and the chapter in general? x

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