The fight 2

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Helper with the new chapter and characters: i_love_choni_sissy

Toni's P.oV
It's been about a month since Cheryl cheated on me and left me. I've been trying to meet people but no one really spoke out to me, and Cheryl hasn't gotten her shit out my damn house.

So I decided that I'm going to pack it up and put on the living room downstairs so it's out of my way. I text Cheryl

Toni :"Come get your shit out of my house"

Cheryl: ok I'll get it when I'm ready 🖕"

I roll my eyes and put my phone down, after I pack her stuff and set it downstairs I decided that I needed to find someone better than her, I decided to go to Monte's ( this is a coffee shop from the show 13 reasons why, and it's in Jersey, also sorry if I spelled it worng).

" Hm maybe I'll meet someone new there"  I thought to myself as I walk to my closet in my room. I out on a cute purple sweatshirt that says " Gamer girl" I then put on some black leggings and some black combat boots, I grab my phone, my wallet, and head for the for the door.

• outside of Monte's•

I see this beautiful woman from outside the coffee shop she had purple and black hair, he was wearing a black hoodie that said " fuck off" with some camo pants. I walk inside and order a cup of hot cocoa, I get my beverage and sit at the table up on the second floor that was not that far from the 1st. I see that same girl look at me with a small smile upon her face I blush and quickly look away.

"Ah ok ok clam thy self it's just a girl" I thought to myself as I drink my Cocoa. I look up to see that same girl "hi, um is this sit taken?" She says pointing to the chair in front of me, " N-no" I studder out as I blush she sits down in front of me with a coffee in hand. " Hi my name is Jade, and you are?" She says with a blush, "my name is Toni" I say sipping my Cocoa.

She smiles " I saw you staring at me over there, see something you like?" She says brushing her fingers through her hair " I-i" I studder blushing like crazy, I look down at my hands then I look at her " you know you're beautiful, you got a girl?" She says smiling and drinking her coffee " Um no just out of a relationship, but looking for something new" I say trying to hide my blush in my hands. " Well I would love to take you out next Friday, if you're interested in that" she says moving my hands from my face.

I smile " yes, hm you're very straight forward I like that" I say putting my head on my hand "well I'm glad because, I'm always straight forward, and speaking of straight forward can i have your phone number?" She says getting out her phone. I smile and get out my phone we switch phones and put the numbers in we then give each other's phone's back, I smile a big smile " hey before we go out I you to see if you're ok with something.." she says looking a bit worried. " Hm what is it?" I say a bit confused, " I'm a trans female" she says looking down.

I smile once again and grab her hand " I don't care about your gender, its what's inside that counts" I say Blushing she looks up at me and smiles " T-thank you" she says blushing. She stands up " alright cutie I'll see you next Friday" she says walking down the stairs and out the door. "Eke I can't wait to see her Friday"  I say excitedly to myself.

I look at the time and it's now 6:00 I get up and walk down the stairs and out of the door walking back home.

~time skip to next Friday~~

It's Friday night the night I have my first date with Jade, I hop in to the shower for about 10 minutes when I'm out I look to see that I have a text on my phone from Jade I smile and open it, it read.

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