74 ~ The Shopping Centre

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A/n I ended up chatting pure shit throughout this entire chapter I don't even know what this is but it's something I guess 🥴

 July 14th

"Are you sure you're going to be able to eat? I know you find it difficult after..." Dom whispers to me in the back seats of Michael's car. I rest my head on Dom's shoulder, "I'm doing better, so it should be fine. I feel hungry at the moment so it shouldn't be too difficult." I whisper back to him.

"Wait, where are we even going?" Michael asks us all. "We should eat first and then we need to go to Tesco after." I say. "Do we want like a takeaway or a sit down place?" he asks again. "I always choose," I complain, "one of you's decide.". Whilst everyone's discussing where we should go I realise and suddenly shout, "Shit, I need to go and buy something for Ella's birthday.". 

"Is there a shopping centre near here, cause we could go and shop and then eat in the food court?" Adam suggests. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I say before showing Mikey the way. 

We finally get to the car park and find an empty space, "Are you okay?" Dom asks, "Yeah, it just looks a little busy." I tell him, looking at the endless rows of cars. "If you want to leave at any point, just say, it's not a problem, okay?" I nod as we get out of the car.

"I've got a few things I need to get, so shall I just call you when I'm done?" Tom asks us all. "Ooh, me too actually." Adam says. "I'll come with you if you want?" Michael asks them. "Yeah sure." Adam agrees. "Okay then, just call when you're ready or we'll call you, whatever." Dom says as we all get out of the car and part ways with the boys.

Dom holds his hand out to me, I take it in his, gripping it tightly, and head for the stairs to get to the shops. "What do you want to get her?" Dom asks as we get to the main section of shops. "I don't know, she always out does me with presents." I say laughing. 

"What am I meant to get her?" Dom asks me, "Nothing!", "Of course I have to get her something. What does she like?" Dom laughs. 

"No, you've already spent so much money on her, you're taking her on tour for crying out loud, she won't want anything.", Dom sighs. "Is she as stubborn as you are?", "I am not stubborn." I say crossing my arms, "Defensive then.", "Why do you think she's my best friend?".

"Oh great, the tour bus is gonna be fun if you're both as bad as each other." I playfully hit him on the arm, "Hey!". "So, what does she like." Dom asks me again. 

"Promise me you won't spend too much on her." I say to dom, "You avoided the question." he teases back. "£15 max, literally just get her white chocolate and she'll love you forever, even more than she already does." I tell him as we continue to walk around the shopping centre. 

"Right so that's one thing sorted, what about you? Do you have any idea what you want to get her?" Dom asks me. I cross my arms across my chest again, "No. She's so difficult." I complain. 

"What about something for the both of you, like maybe a little trip somewhere or a spa break or something. That way you get to treat yourself too." Dom suggests to me. "You've actually got some brains in there haven't you." I joke, gently tapping the side of his head. 

"Please remind me to book something when we get home, because we both know I'll forget." I say, moving my hand back to holding Dom's. "I will, is there a good chocolate shop in here?" he asks me, looking around. 

"There's one on the next floor up." I tell him before leading the way. We walk towards the escalator and head up to the second floor of the shopping centre. 

"You said white chocolate right?" Dom asks me looking around the shop. "Yeah, literally anything white chocolate she'll love.". 

Dom heads right over to the corner of the shop where all of the massive hampers and gift sets are, he reaches straight for the biggest one. "Does this look good?" Dom asks me, picking it up from the shelf. "I said no more than £15." I tell him, showing him the label reading £25. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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