Chapter 10. The Accomplice

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"Claire, Where are you. Did you find anything? Why are you not answering my calls? "I texted.

There was no reply for 15 minutes. Then she sent me a video. The video showed Father Jude entering and exiting with a red diary.

" I won't be able to come. I am sorry, Alina. But Father Jude has the diary. This clearly means that he is the killer."

"What about the footage captured at the night of the murder?", I texted.

" The murderer was wearing a mask. What are you going to do now?", she asked.

"Well, I am not sure. I am thinking of meeting Father Jude."

"We can sneak in and search for the diary if it still exists or we can search for clues", suggested Claire.

" Ok, I am heading there right now".

"Fine, you go, I will meet you there ", she replied.

Father Jude did it. I had a hunch that he was the murderer. Ever since he saved me that day. But why would a priest do something heinous like this?
There's only one way to find. I will go over to Father Jude right now.

While I was walking through the streets, I saw the tall lighthouse standing afar. I remembered what Father Jude said, "I will give you a reason to live ".

Why would he save me? He killed my soul by taking away the only thing that mattered. Come to think of it he did give me a reason to live. But that reason was to kill him. But what did he mean by that clapping monkey keychain. Well, I will ask him when I get there.
There are two parts of my brain that are working right now. They rushing in full adrenaline. The first says to believe in the police who blamed me for my mother's murder and the second part tells me to kill the murderer. I have nothing else to live for. Because after his death the reason he gave me to live will also die. In this race, I won't let you win.

I will kill you myself.

As I reached his house, I heard a loud shriek, I rushed through the door. This feeling, it's the same that I felt when I saw Mom's body. The same when I saw Robert's body.

I don't have the courage to look into any more blood. Why is it happening again? I hope Claire did not reach beside me.
I hear police sirens coming from outside. It's the same again. My body stiffens up with fear and I am unable to move as I see the body of Father Jude lying drenched with blood.

I became numb once more. I forced my body to move but it was not listening to me. That's when I heard a feeble whimper coming from the body. My adrenaline kicked in and rushed towards father's body. He was in pain and I could see it in his eyes he was dying.

" Who did this father", I asked. My voice was calm as ever but my soul was trembling.
He smiled and said, " You were destined to be my light from the day you were born. That bookshelf  has the answer. "

He pointed to a bookshelf in the study.
"Take this ring and you will find your answers".
Just after saying that, his body went cold. The police barged in and cuffed me.

I reached the station. I guess I was no longer in house arrest but I am in prison.

" Well, your accomplice confessed. Since you are underaged, you are being sent to a correctional institute where you will be restrained until your court hearing."

An accomplice................

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