The calls

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Hello dearies. I'm sorry for not updating. This covid-19 is  scaring the skeleton out of me. I almost forgot about Wattpad, until one of  the reader talked to me for an update.

I hope you all are taking precautions. And pray well please. #StayAtHome. I love you all.

Husnah's POV

I woke up since 10am but I couldn't get out of the bed. I kept tossing and turning.
"Urgh! I wake up with a weird mood today. Goodness! I need to go out,go somewhere or chat with someone. Certainly not Momma nor Teemah. Teemah will only get on my nerves talking about her Yaya,I know. And Momma, I know she will simply talk about how I am a bone-idle, that when she was my age she wasn't like me and all. She will preach wife goals to me,and I'm not in the mood for that... I think I will visit Mimie today,I might spend the weekends there. Yes,I am going there now, the house is suffocating."

I quickly took a shower and dressed up. I checked the time and saw it was 12:30pm already. I went down to greet Momma and I met her in the kitchen. Momma loves kitchen huh!

"Good morning my sweetheart." I hugged her.

"It's noon now not morning. How are you? Why are you dressed up like this,are you going somewhere?"

"I'm good Momma. Actually,I am suffocating here. The house is boring,I think I am tired of seeing the faces I wake up to every day. So, I want to go to Mimie's house and spend the weekends there."

"Iye! So you are tired of seeing us right?"

"No Momma, I think I want a change of environment, that's all. Let me call and tell her that she has babbar bakuwa today."

I called and told her. But she told me she wasn't home then,she would picked me up on her way home.

Later,she came and picked me up and we went to her house.

"Uhmm...Mimie,your house still smells like amarya's."

"That's how it is supposed to be all the time. Take note. And besides,I am barely three months now."

"Oh! That's right. Mimie I'm famished please."

"Am I your cook? Go and make something for yourself. Or you can have cereal,I know that's your food, they are on the table."

"I am your guest here, remember? Do you have chicken? I want to make pepper soup. And believe me you will not have a taste of it,you can only smell the aroma."

"Guest my foot. No,we don't eat meat in this house again...

"Ahhh! And why is that? For all I know,you are 5&6 with meat. What's up now?"

"I just don't like it anymore, that's all."

"Tell me,am I going to be an aunt again?" I was at the verge of crowing,my eyes popped out and so anxious to hear her reply.

"Mmm... maybe. You talk too much. How is your Jaan?"

"Yeeeaayyy,I am going to be an aunt soon. Momma most hear this,you can say I talk too much again. And Jaan is good. He is going to come see me in the next two days."

"Parrot! That's on Sunday. Is he meeting you here or you are going back home?"

"He will meet me here. I'm not going back home now."

"Okay, I will tell Sweet when he comes back home." I haven't told her about A yet.

I finished taking corn flakes and decided to join Mimie in the parlour. I brought my phone out of my bag and there I saw two missed calls of Jaan,three missed calls and a text message from A.

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