"You Promise? I Promise." Chapter 3

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I go meet with clove and Annie at our house.. No we're not sisters.. I live with them since my family is gone. "Hey,Kat!" Where were you? We were worried.." "I'm fine,Annie.. Delly put a knife to my throat when I went to go look through the school.." "Oh my god! Are you alright!?!" "Yes.. A boy helped me.." "A boy?! .. Awww did he save you?!" "Kinda.. She cut my arms and right before she could cut my throat, this boy came in and stopped her and made her go away.. If he didnt she would've probably killed me.. But its no big deal about him he just cared so he helped.. Its not like he has a crush on me!" "He might! He saved you!!" Annie screams in excitement! "And Finnick wants us to come over for a sleepover before school starts plus he met a guy so he wants us to meet him!!" "Okay I'll go.." "Me too!" Clove adds in. " but promise you won't tell anyone else.. But you can tell glimmer and maybe Johanna..I dont know about her yet..." "Okay.. One condition.." "Okay,what is it?" "Do you like him?" "...no.." Then my face gets hot and I know for a fact I'm blushing.. "You do!" Clove yells.. "Fine! Yes!? Maybe? I-i don't know.." "Awwww katty watty got a cwushy wuwsy?" I hear clove tease.. "I don't know!" "Okayy" they both say in unison. "We better pack for the sleepover.." I say getting my stuff together and they do too. After we're do e we drive over to Finnick's and go on in.. "Finnick!" I yell in excitement.. He's like a brother to me and I love him... As a brother.. Besides Annie's dating him.. And clove is dating Cato and glimmer is dating Marvel and I'm with no one and I don't know about this 'new boy' or whatever.. But I'll try to be friend him.  Then I see Peeta.. "Peeta?" "Katniss?" He says walking over to me. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing" "well Finnick befriended me and so did the guys and he said I needed to meet the girls. Why are you here?" "I'm part of the girls.. They're my friends" "Best friends!!" They all yell at me while theyre with their boyfriends. "Oh just kiss your boyfriend and bud out of the conversation!"  I yell jokingly. "Fine we will!" And they kiss their boyfriends. "Sorry bout that.." I say awkwardly to Peeta.. "Its fine. Glad to see you. Is your arm better?" "Its kind of in pain,but I deal with pain all the time anyway.." His smile drops immediately. "Why?" "Life I guess.. But I have the group.." "And me!" I laugh. "And you!" I tease. "You two are so cute!" Annie squeals.. "We're not even dating!" "Not yet.." She mumbles and I roll my eyes. Then I get the sudden need for him to hug me.. And hold me.. And be there.. I don't know what's gotten into me lately but its weird.. "So?" "So?" "So.." Finnick adds in as he and the rest of the group come in.. "Pizza will be here soon.. And I want you guys to meet.... *he does a drum roll* Peeta Mellark! He's part of our group now..  The girls squeal and say yay. After that we finish our pizza that came and finnick suggests truth or dare.. And I know they're gonna make me kiss Peeta or something.. And we're just friends and I don't even know if I like him! Then I realize.. I don't.. I love him.. But I can't.. He'll probably have a girlfriend soon anyway so its no use! Then I snap out of my thoughts and Finnick asks me truth or dare..

You promise? I promise : A Everlark fanfiction!Where stories live. Discover now