Chapter 8: "Now lets go somewhere fun"

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I take her to the bakery so my father can meet her in person. We walk into the bakery and I see my Dad. "Hey dad! This is Katniss Everdeen. She's my best friend." "Ohhh hello,Katniss! Very nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. I'm glad to hear that you're best friends with my son,again.." He says shaking her hand as she smiles nicely. "I know.. I love being best friends with your son. He's amazing." "That's good! I'm glad to hear that! But I think you need to go.. Its not you, I don't mind having you here at all." He stops talking to hear and leans in to my ear and whispers "Your mother is coming back in a minute. Get her out of here before its too late. I'll take cover for you. Have fun." He whispers and goes back into the bakery. "Bye Katniss! Nice meeting you! Bye Peeta!" "Bye!" We yell in unison and I see a frown on her face. "Come on we got to go. Now." I say and take her and run out the door and down the road away from the bakery. "What's wrong?" I stop and putting my hands in hers and intertwining out fingers together. "I screwed it up.. Your father doesn't like me.." She let's a tear escape her eye and I wipe it away with my thumb immediately. "No no! He likes you! And cares about you too!" "Then why did he tell me we should leave?!" "Because my mother would be there soon and I didn't want you getting hurt and neither did he!" "What do you mean? You don't want me hurt? What does she do? What has she done?" "She.. She.. She beats me... Abuses me.. But I'm fine. I'll be okay!" "She beats you?!" She half whispers and yells. "Yes but I'm fine I promise,Katniss! I'm fine.." "I can't let her do that to you! What the heck kind of a mother is that?! She beats you,Peeta! That's not good at all!" "I know! I know! But I'm fine now and she hasn't beat me in a few days anyway! I'm okay now.." "You promise?" "I promise." I say kiss her hands but I stop when she removes her hands from mine. Then she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her back as I lay my head on her neck and she lays hers on mine too. We break away and smile at each other then wipe the remaining tears away with my thumb.

"Now let's go somewhere fun"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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