Part 34: Home from the hospital

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Heaven Help Us ~My Chem


Copper's P.O.V.:

Gerard slept in the hospital chair that night and Imagine slept in some blanket less crate.

I didn't know this before, but new born babies can't sleep with blanket, pillows, or stuffed animals around them because they can suffocate themselves; and they can't sleep in my bed because I could suffocate her.

Gee and I checked out and brought Imagine home. Gerard drove, and I held Imagine.

The doctor put her in a thin, itchy onsie that I will change her out of.

What I saw when I got home was so sweet I wanted to cry.

Gerard said, when I was in the hospital, he felt so guily for leaving that night, he bought even more baby stuff; but didn't finish when he got the call I was giving birth.

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