Chapter 1How Nch Came to be

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So there once was a boy named Nch. Well His name wasn't really Nch it was Nick. Let me tell you how he got his name. Nch's favorite thing to eat is Hippos Puffs. Nch LOVES his hippo puffs if he didn't have hippo puffs he'd be oh so shrekd. His life would be ogre. Anyway, Nch was visiting the Hippo Puffs factory and decided he would see how the make his favorite part of Hippo Puffs, The Nitrogen Chemicals. He was at the nitrogen chemicals making sector of the factory.
He was so amazed at how cool it was he leaned over the bars to see closer and he fell in! Poor Nch didn't know what to do so he swam to the gate and jumped out.
After that people started calling him Nch N for nitrogen and Ch for charged (or sometime for chemicals). So Nch means Nitrogen Charged (Nitrogen Chemicals).

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