Chapter 13

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"I've asked Lady Red to make some call to inform your guardian of your whereabouts. Your sister was kind enough to be here as well." My sister? I was so glad to see Daphne and her husband was waiting for me.

"Freya! Thank god you're safe! When I was told that you were attacked, I was petrified." My sister was crying when we hugged. Charles decided to be professional and asked for the important details from the chairwoman.

"Did you managed to find who was behind this attack?" The chairwoman gave me a knowing look.

"It was father and our uncle." They were as surprised as I was.

"Father? Are you certain? But why all of the sudden? Was it because of the announcement made by the lawyer yesterday? What good would it do if you're dead? They won't even get what they want if they manage to kill you." Daphne was pissed. So did Charles.

"This is getting out of hand. Maybe we should just leave the mansion. What if they tried to hurt us next? I told you that the announcement will only brings us more trouble. Why did grandfather did all of this?" Charles was worried about his family. Trust me. Even I am worried.

We can't even trust our own parents!

"As the heirs to Bridget Group Corporation, I'm sure you two have a lot of security measures to consider. That is why I'm inviting you all to Volin. Let's discuss this matter with me." Wait, the chairwoman will be dealing with my problem? Why not asked one of her trusted assassins to do it?

"It was hard enough for you to handle the trouble caused just by being the next head of the Bridget Financial Group, now even your sister have to deal with terrible people who wish to have more power and wealth. Today's war are scarier." The chairwoman was hinting something to us.

"What are you trying to say, madam chairwoman?" She sighed.

"I'm only doing this because my granddaughter wants to keep her friend safe. It's rare for her to ask for help from me and I don't want to disappoint her." What did Billie do?

"If you agreed to be associate with Volin, we will make sure to keep you protected. Do business with us, and we shall compensate each other that way. I was told what the Wesley did to you tonight. My people will handle the Wesley in your stead. The only bad thing from this union is that ... you would have to do inhumane things. Meaning, when it comes to it, even your grandmother will have to be kill." Our grandmother?

"Why would you go to that extend to keep us save? The contract didn't mentioned about this anywhere. I should know because I've read the contract a few times." Daphne was smart.

"Like I said, it was my granddaughter's idea. It seemed like she may fancy Lady Freya." Huh?! I blushed in a deep shade of red when I heard what the chairwoman said.

"Oh ... my. Hmm ..." Daphne suddenly chuckled.

"Please stop spouting nonsense like that. We only known each other for few months. How is that even possible? Anyway ... since we're here. You want to know our answer by tonight, correct?" The chairwoman nodded.

This is killing me. How am I supposed to make the decision now? Even though I hate my other family members, I still don't have the heart to kill any of them. For better or worse, they are still family. But it's different for them when it comes to me.

What happened tonight was a wake up call. I need to think about myself more now.

"Will I be able to use Volin's influence for my own gain?" The chairwoman was surprised by my question.

"Of course. Do what you must with our reputation. Since I will be doing the same thing for my own gain. Your grandfather was a smart man. He even made sure to keep his legacy going by naming you two as his heir instead of his own sons. I guess he saw right through them while they were working under him." The chairwoman seemed to know my grandfather.

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