The Concert

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"Hey, Cal, wake up." Lyam shook me awake.

I groaned and sat up from Connor's side, glancing over at him as he smiled up at me. "Hey, Connor, you feeling okay this morning?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better."

"So, what time is it?" I asked.

"Two in the afternoon." Jake replied as he sat back in his chair and crossed his legs.

"And y'all let me sleep that long?"

"Yeah, but Jake and I are taking you out to explore Houston today." Lyam pulled me off of Connor's bed.

"But I'm wearing this..." I groaned as I pulled at my shirt and long shorts that the band issues as our uniform underneath our show uniform.

"That's why Lyam and I went out and got you these." Jake threw a pair of jeans and a new t-shirt at me.

"Where'd you get these?" I asked as I looked at them.

"Where do you think, genius?" Jake retorted as he came over and ruffled my already messed up hair.

"Whatever, y'all better have gotten me a brush too." I snorted.

"Don't worry, I got you a backpack and everything." Lyam tossed me a backpack with a brush and all kinds of other things in it.

"Well, thanks, guys!"

"Go get dressed." Jake raised an eyebrow and jokingly pushed me towards the bathroom.

I quickly got myself ready in new jeans, dirty Converse, and new shirt.

Lyam and Jake drove for an hour so we could get to downtown Houston to do all the cheesy tourist attractions. Even though I've lived my my small suburb town since I was in kindergarten, we never really go into Houston, it's way too crowded and we just don't feel like driving an hour there and an hour back.

After we spent the day doing random things around town, like the movie theater and the aquarium with the carnival out back, we decided it was time to get back to the hospital at around nine o'clock. We searched for our car, but couldn't find anything, so we searched even more. Then, we finally found where we parked, based on the scenery and the other cars parked around, but our car wasn't there.

"Jake..." I muttered as I saw the 'no parking zone' sign.

"Awe, crap." Jake sighed heavily.

"What're we going to do now?" l asked as I tried to look around at what part of the city we were in. "Wait. Guys, look where we are!" I exclaimed excitedly as I noticed we were in, what I called, the Music District. This is where all the concert halls and music bars were, like the Bayou Music Center and the Hard Rock Cafe.

"Oh, yeah! Let's see if there's anything going on tonight at the Cafe and the Center." Lyam smiled as he threw an arm around me and we started walking towards the interconnected building.

We decided to try the Hard Rock first, they might have someone good playing tonight. But there sadly wasn't anyone scheduled for tonight. So Lyam dragged me next door to the Bayou Music Center. He walked up to the ticket booth while I stayed back with Jake. I thought I saw Lyam jump a little when the lady said something back to him, but I couldn't tell, I wasn't paying close attention and I didn't think it was too important. He and the lady talked for a little while before he got the tickets and she hung up a sold out sign on the window.

Wow, how lucky are we? I thought to myself as Lyam came running up to me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and told me not to flip out on him.

"Uh, okay, but you're really making me concerned about you by not telling me what this is."

"Okay, just, please contain your excitement."

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now