Everything Has Changed

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Sorry about this first chapter, I know it's kind of boring, but I promise it gets better!

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I woke up today thinking that it was going to be like any other day. There was nothing out of the ordinary that would tell me that this September Friday would be one of the worst days of my young life.

My annoying alarm startled me from my dreamless sleep at five in the morning, like it always does. Yawning and stretching my tired muscles, I pulled myself from my comfortable bed and lazily dressed myself in a loose t-shirt, jeans, my old and worn out Converse, and a light jacket.

After I was dressed and I looked somewhat decent, I grabbed my twenty pound backpack and shuffled down the stairs to eat some breakfast. I talked with my parents and three older brothers, twenty-eight year old Connor, twenty-four year old Jake, and twenty-one year old Lyam.

Lyam pushed his chair away from the table suddenly and came over behind me to start shaking my chair back and forth. "Come on, Cal, let's go."

"But I don't wanna..." I groaned, but got up to leave.

"Bye, sweetie. We'll see you after school. I can't wait to see the show!" Mom gave me a tight squeeze as I smiled into her shoulder.

"I know, Jackson is really excited because we've been doing well at competitions this season." I replied as I pulled away.

Dad came over and nodded towards me. We have a weird way of showing affection towards one another. "Well, I'm happy that we finally get to see it, and Jess won't shut up about seeing the marching band!"

"It'll be over soon enough. In a few more weeks, we'll have had our last competition and marching season is practically over after that."

"Good, it's taking up too much of your time!" Jake muttered as he ruffled my hair.

"It's not my fault my teachers give me homework!" I grumbled, waving his hand away.

"Yeah, you have more than Lyam and I have now and way more than Connor ever had."

"It's true..." Connor added, shaking his head.

"Well, if we want to get to the school before traffic, we'd better head out." Lyam lightly slapped a hand on my shoulder and led me out towards the car.

He and I drove the fifteen minute drive to my high school, hitting the roads before the traffic began to pick up. When we got there, Lyam dropped me off by the front door and sped off. I pulled my jacket closer around my body as the wind picked up and sent uneasy chills down my spine.

"Hey, lazy! It's about time you showed up!" My best friend, Sasha, called from the open doorway as she held the door open for me.

"Whatever, you get here before anyone else, this is actually a normal time. It's like six forty-five! And if you say that's late, I will beat you, Sash." I added dryly as I pushed past her and into the warm building.

Sash rolled her eyes and flipped her long brown hair, trying to show me that she was better than me. "Whatever," she groaned. She took me down the long hallways of our school and to the band hall that was regretfully on the other end of the building.

She and I helped our band director, Mr. Jackson, get ready for today's pep rally. The people never argued that the freshman was helping with this because I was supposed to be a sophomore, but my family and I had taken a year long trip to Africa to help out at the refugee shelters and I went off with Lyam for a few months to stay with a small village in Kenya to spend time with the children there. Lyam and I had acted as tutors to the poor kids there. After spending my year across the world, I went ahead and joined the grade behind what I was supposed to be in. The people also never dared to even think about picking a fight with Sash. She was a drum major and the only sophomore to hold that position. She was loved by the entire band and one of the most loved girls in the school.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster the People Fanfiction) [REWRITTEN VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now