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I couldn't sleep at all I was to scared...so I went to the only person that could relate Mattia...okay well I would have went to ale but he's busy talking to Kairi and it would just be awkward

You knock on Mattia's

Mattia opens it

Mattia: ohh I see you came

You: can I just come in

Mattia: fine

You sit in the bed

Mattia sits next to you

Mattia: why are you hereee

You: well I can't sleep

Mattia: and you came here because?

You: because I needed someone to make mad and you were my only option

Mattia: uh huh okay


Mattia:and what I'm I gonna do for you?

You: nothing

Mattia: uhm okay..

You: so were just not gonna talk about that kiss

Mattia POV:shit thought she forgot..

Mattia: yah were not

It goes silent and you just looked at the ceiling

Mattia POV: I got to admit she's pretty..but she's so hot headed🙄

You: Mattia have you ever wondered what it felt like..to like someone like love them in a way

Mattia POV: yes



Mattia: yes really

You: huh right..

Mattia: what?

You: nothing

Mattia: why did you and mar break up

Mattia POV: her faces changed so fast she went from 🙄 to😕 I kinda felt bad for asking

You: he cheated on me with Zoe...

Mattia: did it hurt

You: yah it hurt but I'm so glad I didn't loose my virginity to him🙄

Mattia: but all the boys were dying to be with you.you could have hade anyone

You: yah but I wanted him..he made me feel special..he gave me attention and I don't know..just I'm just drawn to guys that are taller then me

Mattia: really

You laugh

Mattia POV: aww her dimples I mean ew her dimples

You:what about you

Mattia: well I never really dated anyone

You: your kidding right the Mattia never dated anyone your like a chick magnet bro

Mattia laughs

Mattia: yah I know but no one really caught my eye every girl just wanted to look pretty wanted arm candy around there arm just never water them

You: huh interesting

Mattia: you know it is so hard to be nice to you

You both laugh

Mattia: why are you so judgmental

You: I am not

Mattia: and stubborn

You: your judgmental,stubborn and hot headed

Mattia: ong so are you

You both laugh

You: guess we got a lot in common

Mattia: guess we do

You just smile at each other

Then you turn away still scared

Mattia: hey

Mattia; hey hey

He holds your hand

Mattia: were gonna be okay? This will all be over..

His kisses you on your head

Whoa ..okay he just...okay uhm..

Mattia POV: shit what did I just d-

You lay your head on his shoulder

Then fall asleep

Mattia smiles then you both fall asleep

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