Mar is back from mars

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Kairi: I thought he was in jail

Sam: well his sentence may have been over..why would they still let him come to this school

You: I got to go...

You walk away following the police

Ale: omg
Mattia: IVY
Kairi: uhm..
you ignore them and keep walking

Then they follow you

The police turn around with mar to face you guys

Kairi: why is mars back?

Police: the judge let him off but he still has to get his education

Hannah: he can get his education somewhere else

Police: this is the school the judge said he has to go to

Kairi: I wanna speak to this judge because he obviously has never been KIDNAPPED

Mar just smirks at you

Mattia: will he sta-
Police: He's on 24 hour watch he won't hurt any of you

Mar: I mean unless you want me to

Sam: yes please I mean..

You all look at her

The police take mar away

Kairi:I say we run out of here

You: noted

You guys run the other way then the new boy and the principal come infront of you

Principle: where is Ms.dela Cruz

You run the other way

Kairi points to you

Principle: IVY

You: ugh yes

Principle: you have to show the new kid around with Kairi

You; why with Kairi

Kairi; hey

Principle: I'm being serious THE REST OF YOU GO TO CLASS

Mattia: yah class guys

Mattia runs the other way to the bathroom

And the rest go to class

Principle: leaving it up to you guys now show him around

The principle leaves

You: uhm hi

Alex: hey

Kairi:uhm lets show you around

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Kairi:uhm lets show you around

He follows you guys
Kairi: this is the school basement where we got kidnapped and I got shot-

You cover his mouth

You: he's kidding he's always making up these crazy stories hah

Alex: right...

You guys finish the tour then

Kairi: so how do you like the school so far

Alex: I mean it's a-

Rose was walking and he just started at her


Kairi slaps his face

Alex: HEY-

Kairi: that's Mattia's girl

You: EX

Kairi: don't mind ivy she's just mad that Mattia kisses her then for back with his ex the next day

You: that's not what-

Kairi: you act as if half the school dosen't want you

You: well I don't want them

Kairi: right right

You: people change

Kairi: well obviously

You: I'm done having this conversation
Kairi:I'm not you kissed Alejandro but then kissed Mattia but then they both left you for there ex

You: and they would leave rose for me simple

Kairi; right because your this big boss right

You: oh yah I am b-

You both start arguing

Alex: GUYS

You guys stop

Alex: no one cares okay n-

The bell rings

You:hey you wanna go with us to chick fil a for lunch

Alex: sure

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