The plan

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You were in the room with Kairi walking back and forth trying to understand what is going on

You: like why would he like her I mean she's the dumbest person like ever

Kairi: I'm hungry

You:like I really thought we were in love

Kairi: I mean there's always me

You:OMG what if the voice is the one that told Mattia to get with Halia to mess up my life?

Kairi: okay but you can just date me

You:I mean I don't care about Mattia anymore anyway he's just a man whore

Kairi rolls his eyes

You:is Halia like better then me?

Kairi: no

You: is she prettier

Kairi: no


Kairi: just get with me bruh

You: Kairi I need your adviseee

Kairi: well-

You: maybe I should just talk to him about it

Kairi: about what?

You: yah that sounds stupid

Kairi:listen ivy the stupid plant and Alex and mar your ex are still out there and we need to get rid of them

You:how tho

Kairi: easy we kill them

You: I'm sorry what?

Kairi: okay we wouldn't do it are selves we would just you know kinda push them off a cliff

You: or we could get them in jail

Kairi: ugh this bitch

You: how would we do that

Kairi: easy find out what makes them you know weak like something they don't want to loose for example mar doesn't wanna loose you

You: well he did


Kairi: you pretend to get closer to Alex then they will turn on each other

You:that's actually smart

Kairi: mhm and we can take them out one by one

You:thanks Kairi

You give him a kiss on the cheek

And walk into your room

Kairi: it's mr steal your girl Mattia ha


Kairi runs out of your house

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