Chapter two

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  Lumine pov
Kody came back home yesterday and hasn't talked to me. Did I do something wrong? I was walking to the kitchen to get me some food when I stopped and threw up but it wasn't like puke, it was flower petals. This happened when I  was on my walk after I confessed to Kody. What is this? Maybe I should ask Adien about it. He might know. Wait, he's on a business trip. I guess I'll have to wait. After I'm done throwing up flower petals I quickly clean them up and make dinner for me and Kody.
I go upstairs to Kody's room and knock on his door. "Hey Kody, what do you want for dinner?" I said and waited for a few seconds. A few seconds later I hear Kody say "Mac and cheese". "Okay, I'll call you when it's done." After I said that I went back downstairs to make mac and cheese for my and Kody.
*Time skip* ( I'm lazy)
After me and Kody were done eating dinner, Kody was just in the living room playing Minecraft and I was washing the dishes. While I was washing the dishes I threw up flower petals everywhere. I tried to hurry and clean up the flower petals but by the time I got the broom Kody was in the kitchen looking at them. I tried to hold back the petals that were in my mouth they just came out. I fell on the floor as more petals came out of my mouth. Kody ran over to me and held me in his arms. He tried saying something to me but I couldn't hear what he was saying. After Kody tried to tell me something everything went black.
Kody pov
After Lumine passed out, I picked him and took him to his room. I laid him down on his bed and changed his clothes into something comfortable. No I didn't touch him inappropriately. I used some magic that I can use without throwing up blood and becoming weak. After I changed Lumine's clothes I put a plate of macarons on his nightstand with a note that said "don't worry I picked up the petals and washed the rest of the dishes. Love, Kody." After I clean up the petals and washed the dishes, I went to the store and bought something's that I thought Lumine would like. When I got back home I wrapped up the things I got and hid them in my room. I fell asleep on the couch in the living room while I was playing Minecraft.
*time skip*
I woke up early the next morning for some reason. I got up, took a shower, got ready for the day, went to the kitchen, and made some breakfast for me and Lumine. After I made breakfast, I went upstairs to Lumine's room and lightly shook him. "Hey Lumine, wake up" I  whispered in one of his fluffy white ears. His shirt lifted up a little bit and I seen his stomach and some abs. I felt myself blushed so I turned my head away a little. "Morning Kody" I heard Lumine say in a tired voice. "Morning. I made breakfast." "Really? Thanks." Lumine said smiling. "Your welcome. You should get ready for the day. I'll be downstairs." "Okay". I left the room and went back downstairs. I laid down on the couch and looked at the ceiling. What is this feeling? Am I starting to like Lumine? I thought to myself.

Authors note: hello :)
Sorry it takes me forever to update my stories. I get distracted and I'm busy babysitting and helping my mom with my siblings. Also home schooling.
But I hope you liked this chapter.
I love you guys <3

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