Chapter one

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Lumine pov
I was on the couch downstairs taking a nap in my puppy form until I woke up to the sound of the front door opening. I quickly changed into my kinda human form and went upstairs to tell Kody that his dad and Sherry are home. I knocked on his door "Kody, your dad and Sherry are home." I waited a few seconds and he didn't reply. Weird, he always replies to me when I tell him his dad and Sherry are home. I opened the door and see Kody laying on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth. My eyes widen as I run to Kody and hold him. "Kody, wake up!?" I say as I lightly shake him. Aiden and Sherry walk into the room and see me holding Kody. Aiden quickly picks up Kody and looks at me. "Did he use his magic?" "I-i don't know"
We went to the hospital and I wanted to stay with Kody until he woke up so I turned to Aiden and asked "can I stay with Kody until he wakes up?" Aiden looked at me and nods smiling "of course you can, Lumine." I smile and wag my tail "thank you".

*time skip*

I was asleep on one of chairs in Kodys room. I woke up a few minutes later to someone saying my name. I opened my eyes and seen Kody looking at me confused. "Why am I in the hospital?" "You used your magic."
For a few minutes there was a awkward silence. Since me and Kody alone, I decided to tell him how I feel about him. "H-hey, Kody?" "Yes, Lumine?" I look down feeling butterflies in my stomach "I-i like you". After I said that, Kody sat there for a second just looking at me shocked. "You what?" "I like you and it's okay if you don't like me back" I said fast. "I'm sorry lumine but I don't like you back." After he said that I felt my heart break. I nod and said "okay" then left the room to go on a little walk.

Kody pov
After Lumine left I started to get worried because he will now get hanahaki disease, because of me. I didn't want him to get hurt so I made up a plan to try and like him. After I made the plan I was about to lay down and go to sleep but my dad walked in. "Hey Kody!" He said excited to see me. "Hey dad" I replied a little sad. After I said that my dad came over and sat down on my bed "What's wrong?" He asked me a little bit worried. "Lumine confessed to me and I rejected him so now he's going to get Hanahaki Disease because of me." I said looking down at my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I look up at my dad. "He's going to be okay, I promise." I nod and look at the door seeing Lumine walk in. I looked at his shirt and seen a white flower petal.
"This is my fault. I'm so sorry Lumine. I promise I will love you." I thought to myself. I smiled and looked at Lumine. In the corner of my eye I see my dad smile too. "Hey Lumine! How are you?" My dad asked and Lumine nods. I don't think Lumine knows what Hanahaki Disease, I thought to myself. "Hey Lumine, What's that white flower petal on your shirt?". He looks at his shirt "o-oh, uh... someone was bringing flowers to there loved one and a petal fell on my shirt." I knew he was lying but I didn't say anything. "Are you ready to go, Lumine?" My dad asked and Lumine nods. "Okay, bye see you later Kody." My dad said walking out of the room with Lumine. I waved bye and laid down going to sleep.

Lumine's Hanahaki Disease [Lumine x Kody]Where stories live. Discover now