1; The only thing they ever feared.

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A/N; Please hold out for the first few chapters, please!!! The first few seem like they were written by a 12 year old, and I'm sorry for that heh.

I remember watching the Argo II as it burned overhead, sailing through the atmosphere like a meteor.

I remember hanging on as Zeus, the God of the Skies and King of Olympus, slapped us from somewhere in Greece or Italy to here, miles above Long Island.

I remember as each of us jumped in sequence as the Argo II was torn to shreds by shear wind resistance.

I don't remember who I held in my arms as I plummeted. Probably Annabeth, no doubt. I would never let go of her, even if I had to end some gods to make that possible.

Before hitting the ground, I remembered one last thing; Leo didn't make it off of the ship.


"Percy!" Someone shook my shoulders, their tears dripping onto my face, "Wake up!"

I sat bolt upright, narrowly missing a collision with Annabeth. I thought I recognized that voice. I turned to grab her, and she obliged, dropping into my arms. It wasn't until then that I looked around, noticing the massive ensemble of Campers and Monsters that surrounded us. On one side, Campers stood, some dressed in full roman legionnaire armor, others in simple chestplates, and others still in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts or jeans.

On the other side stood monsters, as greatly different in their fashion choices as the Campers, but far more numerous, and with far more species. There were Dracaena, Cyclops, giants of every variety, hellhounds, you name it. Roman soldiers tried to keep order as the monsters that they had allied with surrounded them, but nonetheless, they stood fast.

Rushing towards me as both of the lines of troops fortified themselves, even heavier than they were before, was Jason Grace, followed by Piper McLean.

"There you are!" Piper called, sliding down next to us to check our injuries, which she and Jason seemed to be void of.

"Piper, where are the others?" Annabeth asked, sitting up and wincing slightly as Piper pressed her ribcage softly.

"We don't know, they dropped to the south of us but we couldn't find them." Jason said, offering a hand to help me up while Piper concentrated on Anmabeth.

Annabeth turned her head to look at me as Jason pulled me up, stating, "Percy, you probably have a concussion."

Oh, so thats why I feel nauseous. Probably. I turned towards her and laughed, "But thats Jason's job!"

Before anything else could be said, Frank and Hazel seemed to appear next to us, Frank panting, bow in hand, "Has anyone seen Leo?"

But it was too late to look for Leo, because it was at that moment that the giant catapult-like trebuchets that the Romans had lined up behind their lines opened fire.

We all braced ourselves, and I wrapped myself around Annabeth, trying to protect her from any shrapnel that may result from the explosions that I knew were about to decimate the Campers. We waited, but nothing. No explosions.

We all turned to see the flaming balls of rock and greek fire that were loaded into the trebuchets were reaching the peaks of their flights, but they weren't aimed at the Campers. They were falling towards each other.

Percy Jackson & The Doom Slayer | The Only Thing They Fear Is YouWhere stories live. Discover now