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Ok so I am going to stop doing the last times because it want make sense to some of the parts.

??? p.o.v

As I was think of a plan to get my son shigaraki came in.

Sh:' hey dad what you thinking about?'

???:' just thinking of away to get your brother and possibly your sister'

Sh:' oh ok and why don't they now about me?'

???:' well sins your the oldest and after we left your mom decided not to tell them about you but told luna about me so yeah'

Sh:' oh well anyway I will leave you to think bye dad'

???:' bye son'

A week later

Izuku's p.o.v

I was walking to class when I suddenly like someone was watching me so I speeded up and when I finally got to class I was dragged out by luna.

L:' are you ok izu?'

D:' yeah I fine I just felt like someone was watching me that all'

L:' oh ok' *thnking* something is not right I didn't sense anyone but izu feels like he is being watched I have to tell everone to keep an eye on izu for now *stops thinking*

B:' hey deku'

D:' oh good morning kacchan'

B:' let's just go to class'

L&D:' Ok'

After class

J:' hey luna?'

L:' yeah'

J:' is it just me are do you feel like we are being watched'

L:' izu said the same thing'

J:' really'

L:' yeah'

At night

J:' hey bakugo, todoroki, kirishima?'

B&T&K:' yeah'

J:' do yous want to go for a run with me luna and izu?'

B&T&K:' sure'

J:' ok let me text luna and tell her you guys are in'

B&T&K:' ok'

J: *texting luna*

Jack: hey the guys are in xx

Luna: izu is to we will be down in a minute xx

Jack: kk see yous in a minute xx

L: *talking to izuku*

L:' ok let's go'

D:' ok'

Luna's p.o.v

As we were on our run we suddenly got attacked me and izu got nocked  out and when we woke up we were in a dark room and tied up we wait we were KIDNAPPED no way this can't be happening SHIT.

L:' where are we?'

D:' I don't know'

???:' well, well, well look who's a wake'

L: that voice no it couldn't be right?!

D:' who are you?'

???:' oh don't you remember me izu?'

D:' no I don't'

???:' it's me your dad'


AFO:' is that anyway to treat your dad?'

L:' you are no fucking dad of ours'

D:' wait all for one is OUR DAD?!'

L:' he is no dad he kill our older brother tomura'

D:' wait do you mean tomura shigaraki?'

L:' huh no tomura midoriya'

AFO:' oh but tomura shigaraki is tomura midoriya'


Sh:' no he didn't and dad I thought you said they didn't know me'

L:' mom told me about dad and how he kill our older brother'

AFO:' that's what I wanted her to think'

D:' why?'

L:' because he is a heartless bastard that why'

AFO:' that was rude'

L:' I don't give a shit'

2 hours later

Izuku's p.o.v

It has been 2 hours and all for one ore so called dad has been experimenting on us non stop me and luna have lots of new quirks but an hour ago we found out why our 'dad' made us into nomu's and said we are the best nomu's he has ever made.


AFO:' yes want else are yous better for'

Sh:' dad that was mean'

AFO:' so what' *leaves*

Sh:' hey I will help yous get out of here'

D:' why would you help us you tortured me'

Sh:' sorry about that dad told me to do it or he would torture me'

D:' it's ok I forgive you'

Sh:' you know you are to forgiving right?'

D:' yeah I know luna tells me that a lot'

Sh:' anyway like I said I can help yous get out of here'

L:' how?'

Sh:' I have a friend that can help'

D:' what's there name?'

Sh:' her name is yanelis we go way back she can tell UA were yous are but it might take a week to get everything done in time with out dad finding out'

L&D:' that's ok'

OK guys that is it for now it is 4:44, I will not be publishing parts like 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 a week anymore I will be doing it when I have time and if I have time I might do 2 parts and publish them but right now I don't have a lot of time anyway bye guys.

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