camping trip

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Midoriya's p.o.v

A week after the party we went on a school trip for 2 months and everyday we trained but every night me, luna and tomura would go to the forest and luna would let us turn into our wolf forms. (They can do this because they are linked to each other by a mark when they were born).

At night

L:' hey the mood is so bright'

D:' it's beautiful'

Sh:' you know there is a legend about 3 siblings'

L&D:' what does it say about the 3 siblings'

Shigaraki telling the story

A long time ago there was 3 siblings born, 2 brothers and 1 sister, they were born at different times 2 were twins and the other was older. The oldest one ran way to save his little brother and sister but as the years went, the older brother was turned evil and wanted to kill his brother and sister, the 3 fighted for a long time but the brother and sister saved the older brother and he went back home and on that night there was a big bright beautiful moon. (Sorry if it is bad)

End of story

L&D:' wow so cool'

Sh:' it is a bit like us, I was a villain and now I helping your teachers train you to be hero's'

D:' your right' *starts laughing*

L: *laughs*

Sh: *laughs*

D: *stops laughing* ' we should head back'

Sh: *stops laughing* ' ok'

L: *stops laughing* ' ok let's go'

After we went back in we went to our bedrooms I was with kacchan, shochan and kirichan, luna was with jack and tomura was with ace. We had lost of fun and I didn't what to go back to school because I was going to get beating and I did want that at all.

The next day in the middle of the night

D: *out side*

L:' hey bro what are you doing out here?'

D:' huh oh just wanted time to think'

L:' oh ok mind If I join you?'

D:' no you can join me'

L:' thanks' *sits down next to deku*

D:' hey luna?'

L:' yeah?'

D:' is dad still after us?'

L:' I don't know'

D:' ok'

L:' you know I like this place it is peaceful and it is nice'

D:' yeah it make me feel free'

At the same time

Kirishima's p.o.v

I wake up and went to cuddle izu but he wasn't there and I got worried so I text jack.


Kirishima: hey is izu with u and luna?

Jack: no I was about to ask u if luna was with yous.

Kirishima: I am worried.

Jack: me too meet me down stairs and bring bakugo and todoroki with u.

Kirishima: ok.



B&T: *wakes up* ' What happened'



After I told them about luna and izu we got ready and went down stairs to meet jack and when we got there it wasn't just jack there was jack, tomura, ace and yanelis.

Y:' ok now that everyone is here let's go look for them'

All:' yeah'

Bakugo's p.o.v

Shitty hair wake me and icyhot up and said the danm nerd and luna were missing we meet up with everyone and went out side because tomura said they might be out there so we started to look and 10 minutes later we found them and heard a bit of what they were talking about.

With deku and luna

D:' hey luna'

L:' yeah'

D:' is dad still after us'

L:' I don't know'

D:' ok'

L:' you know I like this place it is peaceful and it is nice'

D:' yeah it makes me feel free'

Back with the group

Sh:' so we did have to worry after all'

J:' yeah'

B:' what did deku mean by this place make him feel free'

Sh:' well I have been feeling like this place is calling to me and I think they feel it too'

K:' really I don't feel it'

T:' me never'

A:' it might be the all of the wild'

J:' what is the call of the wild'

Y:' I have heard of it it's were some people feel at home in one place'

A:' and it is because there pack is with them so they feel closer to the place they are at'

K:' why is it called the call of the wild'

Sh:' because your senses get stronger like site, hearing, taste and sound because of nature and all wild animals live it nature so it is call the call of the wild'

B&T&K:' oh that make sense'

J:' I guess I get it'

OK that is it I made it a little bit longer. So hope you enjoyed it. Bye for now guys.

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