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When I agreed to be a "Lab-Rat" for the P.D.S.E.U. (Police Department's Scientific Experiments Unit), I NEVER expected to meet the people I would grow closer too in the first month I've been here than the people I've met in my 13 years of school.

Over my 19 years of life, I have never met three people who understand me as these three do.

If you would have told me 15 months ago that I would be used as a human lab experiment that would cause me to meet my best friends, unlock powers I never thought I'd have and learn to control them and meet the person who might possibly be my soulmate?

I would have looked you dead in the eye and told you that you were crazy.

Because really. What high school valedictorian would want to hear that their summer job would ruin their chances at college? What girl would want to find out she would have to say "no" to a proposal she's been waiting for for years because of that same job?

Not this one.

Not me.

My name is Elizabeth Alexis James.

I am 19, and this is my story.

The story of how I became Red Hood: Fire Starter

Born of Fire, The Element Decendents: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now