Chapter 2

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I flop onto my bed, dumbfounded. 'He slammed the door... in my face?!' I shake my head violently. "Nah, I was imagining things. He's too conservative to be mean. And I didn't even provoke him this time! Unlike other times.... which he was fine with!" I'm yelling to myself about the most {hot} annoying guy on this fucking island. What has my life come to...?
A knock on my door awakens me from my depressing thoughts. "Heyo!! It's me!! IBUKI MI~O~DA~!!" "Yes Ibuki, I know who you are. We've been trapped on this island together for a week now." She looks me dead in the eyes. Which is really hard to be serious too, because she looks ridiculous. But I'm not gonna say that.
"Yo Ibuki. I should tell you this now, before we get to close." I sigh. "You look absolutely ridiculous." She laughs wholeheartedly. "HAHA! THANK YOU FOR NOTICING, HAJIME!!" I smile, knowing that Ibuki is undeniably one of the kindest people in this island.
"Sooooo~! You and the Grim Reaper?? Huh?? Is it a thing?? Hot Goth told me that you liked him!!" I shake my head quickly. "Chiaki doesn't know shit. I'd never like someone as weird as him! We even had to chain him up!!" I don't know why I'm getting so worked up on this... " Yeah, and *you* suggested that we let him go! Cuz you like him!!! Hajime likes Nagito! Hajime likes Nagito!! HAJIME LIKE-"
"What's going on here?"
    My face burned, and I silently scream at Ibuki. 'I REVOKE MY BEST GIRL PRIVILEGES!! I HATE YOU!! HE HEARD YOU!! I'M SCREWED!!'
He smirks at me, only causing my face to redden even more. "Y-You didn't hear anything, did you...? I-I mean, even if you did, who gives a shit. We all know that Ibuki is crazy!" He laughs. A sound of death, but in a sexy way. Wait no I meant annoying. He's annoying.
"No, I didn't hear whatever it is that Ibuki said, but what was it? And it's rude to disrespect figures of life like that Hinata-kun. But maybe it's okay for you to say, since you're mutuals... who knows." He shrugs, pushing his glasses up his nose.
"Anyway, I came to apologize for earlier. It was rude of death trash like me to treat you with such disrespect." "Nonono, you're fi-" "However, you pissed me off by asking unrelated personal questions. So while I do apologize for slamming the door in your face, I don't regret it." Ahh... so he's not entirely self-depreciating... I suppose...
With a wink, the bisexual punk exists my cottage.
Komaeda raises an eyebrow at me, but doesn't say anything.
    "So... you wanna... maybe sit down?" I gesture to an empty couch, hoping that he'll sit down. He smiles at me (a real one, not a {seductive} creepy smirk) and nods. "Alright! Now, without Hanamura, I can cook dinner for you!" The words slipped.
"Y-You wanna make... dinner? For me? Like... like Ibuki would say,' Like a date?'"
Oh shit. I accidentally asked him out.

If you're reading this, then 1) ThANK YOU SO MUCH 2) Wow, you must really like bad writing and 3) I hope you have an amazing day/ night/ whenever you read this! Also, like last time, I'm still in need of ships so... {if Izuru} if you wanna ask for a ship to be included, please do so!

Word Count (More than last time^^);589

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