Chapter 3

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    A small blush crosses his pale features.
    "I-I suppose that a d-date with you wouldn't be *horrible*" I say quietly. And it was the truth.
     He smiles. "Cool! I'm genuinely excited, Hinata-kun."
    I heat up. "W-Well, don't get too excited. I still think that you're weird and a freak."
    He nods. "Why think otherwise?"
"W-Well... some people might try to tell you that your valid and you are- I mean aren't!" Stupid mouth, trying to fuck up my words.
He looks down. "Yeah, I know. I'm just some death trash..."
'NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU ARE AMAZING, KO!' I almost say. But I don't. I stay silent, and keep myself quiet. 'He doesn't matter,' I tell myself. And I force myself to believe it.
~That Night~
I sit down, and look at the food with pride. "One of my best ones yet!" I exclaim happily. Ko blushes lightly and laughs.
"It looks delicious, Hinata-kun!"
"Well, if you try it, it'll taste delicious too!" I tease. He nods and takes a bite out of the Chicken Parmesan dish, with fruit salad as an accompaniment.
"Mmm it's great!" Eyes closed and smiling, he looked truly happy. For once, he didn't scream death and despair, but acted like a normal teen.
"So after this, do you wanna watch TV?" He asks. I nod, trying not to think about how late it'll be by the time we finish.
"Cool! What should we watch?"
I think for a moment. "It." I respond casually, before realizing what I said.
Shit! Horror movies are perfect for cuddling! Nonononono!
"I'd love to rewatch that!" He says excitedly. Of course. Well, hopefully he won't get *too* scared, and we won't *actually* cuddle.

Sorry for a short chapter, I'm really excited for Ch.4! I think you'll like it!
Word Count; 308

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