Unwanted cuddles

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Ze'ev POV
It's 2:36am, I get up from the cold grass floor and start doing my daily stetches, I jog over to my trap I set after freeing y/n the other day, I see a lifeless and headless rabbit, I smile to myself and walk over to it, grabbing the animals legs and head, I throw them behind me in a medium sized pocket like pouch and reset the trap, I stood there seeing the thwei (blood) all over the n'ithya (ground) weapon....some of the thwei (blood) looks about a day old, it's must be y/n's, I wonder how she is doing with her injury..., I think to myself as I walk back to my base camp, I sat down on a rock in my base area and started to skin the animal then gutting it, after doing so my thweiy (bloody) hands and place on the side of my mask pressing buttons then pulling 2-3 cords out, slowly taking the mask of with a 'CLICK CLICK CLICK' sound of the button indicating that the mask is being taken off, I place my head/face wear aside then pick up the rabbit moving it closer to my mouth, with my sharp teeth I shred into the meat of the animal, tearing bits from the bone, swallowing the food aggressively as if I haven't eating in years.

                       -small time-skip-

I wipe the dirt from my awu'asa (armoured) legs, standing up straight, "hmm..., I want to see if the little ooman is alright?.." I calmly say while walking towards the direction she left to yesterday, it's very nice this morning if I have to admit, the early morning birds are lightly chirping away, the river sounds refresh as the water bashes against the the large-ish rocks, I sighed and continued to walk, I looked up from the n'ithya (ground) to see a small blue house with no other homes surrounding it, "this must be it" I say while looking for a way to enter without being caught by another ooman, I notice a open window knowing that it is my ticket into the house, I snap my neck around to look for something to help me succeed what I am aiming for, my eyes are gazing towards a old tree with has a branch long enough to reach the window, I smile behind my mask and jump up onto the tree, gripping onto one of the branches with my nails, I started making my way across the old large tree to the edge of the window frame and take a peek in looking in all directions, my eyes shot towards a sudden movement coming from the big bed, "it must be y/n" I say softly to myself while climbing inside the dark room, I make my way over the the side of the bed looking down at the Lou-dte kale (female) smiling. I kneeled down taking another look at the foot, examined it with my mask, it's certainly fractured...it might take about a month to heal. I felt the urge of guilt shoot through me when y/n moaned in pain... "I'm so sorry y/n" I stood up just about to walk off when a strong force pulls me into the large bed. I crazily blush at that fact I'm in a bed with y/n while she is clinging on to me, I stiffen not wanting to wake up in such a embarrassing state.

I cling onto the figure (not knowing what it actually is) happily smiling while I dreamt, strangely it felt......rough?....,  me not taking much note of this i end up pulling myself closer into the figure snuggling into it.
Is that purring? Why is the figure purring?!, my eyes flutter open with curiosity but yet still wanting to go back into a sweet sleep. Looking up at the figure waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. A few seconds have pasted I could now see the thing I was huddled up to, it was........

"ZE'EV?!?!?" I quietly shout in embarrassment, he look down at me, "hey you pulled me into the the bed WITH you" he blurts out while crossing his arms. I notice a tint of grey forming on his cheeks?.. is he blushing?! "Yeah well you could have gotten out of my bed instead of sleeping with me-....." wait...h-he was sleeping with m-me?! And fucking ALIEN WAS IN MY BED WITH ME!!!???. I could tell that my face was completely red "you ok y/n?, you look a little flustered~" he clicks, was he just.....flirting with me?... " were you just flirting with me?" He stares at me confused, "not really, but if you want me to I can~" he purred,  "what? No no I'm fine I'm absolutely fine I don't want a alien to flirt with me!.." I quickly respond, I turn looking at my clock, fuck sakes it's 3:03 am "look I need to sleep for a while longer, you may stay BUT your not sleeping in my bed" I yawned out, and pointed to a mattress under my bed "use that". He nodded his head in agreement and pulls out the mattress " I couldn't ki'sei (agree)  with you anymore, I much rather sleep by myself the having a ooman(human) Lou-dte kale(female) cuddling close to me.." he lightly chuckled, I blushed at his words 'cuddling close to me..', I sigh to myself  "well goodnight-....no good morning ze'ev" i speak out before laying on my side facing away from ze'ev. I fall into a deep sleep quicker than ever.

Ze'ev POV
A faint smile whips across my face, then a burning sensation formed in my gut and i began to get the 'butterflies' in my stomach...why am I feeling like this?!,  I look over to y/n but the sensation got way worse!, why is this happening ever time I think of her?!...I need to rest I think... hopefully no other oomans (humans) are around....maybe I should put on my camouflage, I lifted my arm towards my face and start to press a few bottoms, my camouflage force field was now complete, no oomans (humans) will see me now, heh that's one less problem, I pyode (softly) place my head on the silky pillow and nod off in to a soft sleep..

So sorry for the late update 😅 I've been really busy, anyway I hope y'all like it :),
I will be updating soon I promise! 🖤🖤🖤🖤 have a nice rest of your day/night

-rustyblood 🖤

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