Business trip

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I yawn and move slightly around in my bed, my eyes opening slowly, I raise my hands to my face blocking the morning sun that shined in my e/c eyes, I groan and shiver at the feel of my feet touching the cold slabs of flooring and let alone getting out of my warm queen sized bed. I feel as if I'm meant to be prepared for someth- ZE'EV!!! Shit I forgot about him!, I quickly rush..well more like painfully rush over to the other side of my bed seeing the mattress......empty?...well ok then? He could have atleast said goodbye.. *sigh* I sigh and kneeled down grabbing the blanket from the side of the singe sized bed and pulled.. it won't budge....the fuck? "Why in the world are you moving to stupid low life blanket!" I snapped "hehe.." a faint deep giggle form right infront of me, "what the actual fuck?!?" I growled and back up against the bedroom wall, I look up in shock to see ze'ev revealing himself form some sort of Camouflage "WHAT THE HECK!!! You scared the bloody shit out of me!" I snapped again, "heh sorry y/n but why did you verbally abuse a blanket by calling it low life?" He asked confused, I look at him knowing he wanted a response "well it wouldn't move towards me and I didn't know YOU were on it making it stay in it's pla-" I stop my sentence once I heard mum's footsteps coming up the stairs, I look back at ze'ev and pointed to the bed, he quickly rushed under it not making any sound what so ever, "morning sweetheart how is your foot?" She smiles brightly while walking into my room, "much better than yesterday for sure!" I responded but noticed the mum was look down at the ground...I couldn't help the fact that she look upset by something? "Mum.., you alright?" I walk over the her putting my right hand on her shoulder, she shakes her head slowly "honey...I know that you don't like being alone in the house now that your father is....has pass, but I need to go for a business trip for 2-3's very important to us..,I'm sorry sweetie.." she pleaded for my forgiveness and hugged me tightly, "it's alright mother, you do what you need to do, I'm all ok with staying here by..myself.." I forgave her, she looked back up at me smiling , "when will you be leaving?" I questioned, she look at her watch on her left wrist and thought about it for a few seconds before saying "30 minutes" she sighed , me nodding in agreement, Mum started to walk down the stairs asking "would you mind helping me get my stuff in the car honey?" I smiled"yeah sure!, let me quickly get somebody from my room, I'll be down in a sec" I scurried over the bed, looking under it seeing a familiar alien, "I'll be back in 30 minutes, stay hidden OK?" He just nods in response "good" I giggled as I get up from my crouching position and rushed painfully down the stairs to help mum pack the stuff in the car.

Ze'ev POV

I watch as the little Lou-dte kale (female) hurried down the stairs to see her..mother? that how the oomans pronounced it?...oh Well.. I'll ask her later on,

\\30 min time skip//

*sigh* I sighed in bordom not wanting to be stuck under a bed! I can barely fit under it!!, "you know what she won't even know I'm out from underneath the bed cause I will be camouflage" I smirked and slipped away from under the supported mattress. I stood up dusting my awu'asa (armour) with my hands, I glanced up, looking around the room seeing if anything interesting would catch my eye, my eyes snapped towards a sketch book of some sort, making my way over to examine the book I see a letter sticky taped to the front cover  saying.

I do not respect the you are about to look into my sketchbook, please use manners and ask before looking

I see that y/n does not like people looking through her book, well luckily I'm a yautja so I should be able to get away with it, I picked up the book opening to the first page, amazement shot straight through my eyes! Her talent is like nothing he has ever seen!! All the details she put into it, it was a drawing of something sort of jungle warrior sitting up on a tree glaring down at a scared tiger, "wow..." I blurted out and turned the page only to be startled by a loud weak-ish growl?..not a animal tho? I turned around to see a very pissed y/n, uh oh... I pauked (fucked) up... She started to storm her way over to me shouting "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOI- AH!!" She tripped over the bump in the carpet and landed right on me causing us both the thump on the cold ground "ow.." I looked up only to become a blushing mess, y/n was ontop of me..worst of all part of her ass was on my crotch (she has pants on guys don't worry 😉) I blushed darker knowing that, she groaned while rubbing her forehead then instantly turned red when she saw the situation we were both in, "I-im so sorry ze'ev!!" She yapped but by the look of expression I could tell she knew her ass was on my crotch, she bolted up off of me "oh god, oh god, OH GOD! ze'ev I swear I didn't mean to sit in that position, I-i promise" she pleaded, I stood up and nodded "it's ok, ....oh um here is your book" I passed it over to her, she gently snatched it. "You have very nice drawings, I love your detail and skill" I happily said, she looked up at me, "t-thanks" she rubbed the back of  her head " but it did say ASK ME BEFORE LOOKING AT IT!" she snapped and pointed to the warning on the book, "sorry..." I apologize and walk over to the bed sitting down on it, "so your mother is gone for" I asked, she nodded. "Yes, umm would you be able to stay with me while she is gone?" She said with curiosity and sat next to me, I smiled behind the mask that cover me face...I don't want her to see my face yet.. "sei-i (yes) of course I will!" I respond.


I smiled at him "thank you, now...what do you wish to do today?" I asked, "what ever is on you mind y/n" he answered, I only giggle in response and Gestured to the hall way "let's get some food before we start our day hm?".

There ya guys go, another chapter has been complete, I hope you all enjoyed this one, I'll be working on my next chapter soon .
Till next time.


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