Task 1 - Roadtrip

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A/N-Im baaaaack ! Hello my lovely friends, thank you for joining for another chapter of my Oumota fanfic! I really hope you are enjoying the story so far, and I hope you're up for some arguments~ Enjoy!

Ouma was the first to wake up. He always was waking up at 6 or 7 for no reason at all. And this time he had an annoying idiot snoring next to him. "Damnit..." he muttered to himself. Ouma slowly crawled out of the bed, trying to avoid disturbing Kaito. He was successful! The boy grinned to himself and tiptoed out of the room and to the kitchen. Kokichi remembered everything that happened the night before and it brought a faint blush to his cheeks even thinking about it. "He wouldn't even like me that way anyway..."

"Who wouldn't like you?" A groggy voice drifted in from the hallway. Ouma jumped and nearly dropped the pan he had been getting out of the cupboard.

"Oh, good morning Momota Chan! I was just about to make breakfast, what would you like? Pancakes or waffles?" The smaller boy smiled, tilting his head to the side as he took out some more ingredients.

"Um, pancakes. And you did it answer my question." He stepped forward and leaned against the counter. "So, who's the special someone?" Kaito asked as he winked at Ouma, making the poor boys cheeks flush up with red.

"It's not of your business! And why on EARTH would I tell YOU, the dumbest person I know, out of all people? But if you want to know so badly, it's my beloved Saihara-Chan. And don't you dare tell him!" Ouma mentally smiled at the lie he just told. Of course it wasn't Shuichi! He's dating Rantaro and Kiibo anyway. (Polyyyyy-) The truth was, he may have a small soft spot for the boy who was currently stood in front of him. But Ouma himself wasn't sure what the feelings actually were, so he decided he would talk to Rantaro or Kaede about it later.

Kaito sighed. He knew Ouma was lying, because everybody knew Shuichi was already taken. But, he wouldn't bother and irritate the boy too much. "Alright, but remember you don't have much of a chance..." The astronaut grumbled. He watched as Kokichi whizzed around the small kitchen, mixing several things and then pouring them onto a pan. After a couple of minutes for each, he stacked them up onto two different plates. Ouma got our syrup, some fruit and Nutella which he kept to himself.

"And...breakfast is served!" He plonked a plate of pancakes in front of Kaito. He blushed as the taller male thanked him and began eating as though he was starving to death. Ouma covered his mouth casually as he tried to stop himself giggling. "Anyway..." The boy sat across from Kaito and began eating his own pancakes. "What do you think they're gonna make us do today?"

Kaito shrugged. "I dunno, something stupid, I bet." He wasn't particularly looking forward to spending however long he had to with Ouma. At first he thought it would be easy, but knowing how he had pranked the poor boy the night before, Kaito wasn't expecting to be let off the hook that easily. "Maybe it won't be that bad-"

"It won't be THAT bad?! It's hard enough having to deal with you for God knows how long! So whatever they make us do is gonna be the worst think imaginable." Ouma retorted sharply. He wasn't in the mood at the moment. These feelings were getting to him and blowing his cover. Usually, when he felt like he wanted to jump out a window, he would just put on a smile and bite back the pain. But with him being so close to the problem itself, it wasn't going to be too easy.

"Ghee Ouma, no need to shout...I don't wanna do this anymore than you but sometimes you have to just fucking deal with it! Because not everyone's life is as perfect as yours, ok?!" Kaito pushed his plate back  and went back to the room, leaving Ouma sat at the empty table. He sighed as he got out his usual clothes, leaving his space jacket in the bed. Kaito noticed Oumas scarf on the floor so he picked it up and placed it back onto the small boys side of the bed.

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