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James woke up with pain aching every inch of his body. He took the covers off of himself and slowly got up to walk in front of the mirror. He stared at his reflection, examining every part of his face. His skin was pale and he had dark circles under his eyes. He raised his hand over his shoulder and felt the pain increase. He quickly straightened himself; he wasn’t going to let it control him. He was going to fight back. He stared back into his eyes. He barely recognized the man standing in the mirror. The man was calm and composed, but stare into his eyes for too long and you could see the torture and despair. He knew he couldn’t fool Leah, but he had to try his best.

He dressed quickly and walked down the spiral steps. When he reached the doors, he took a deep breath, composing his face. He walked out of the door and saw Doyle only a few yards away. When Doyle finally saw him, his face went blank. Doyle walked towards him, meeting him halfway. James extended his hand in a greeting, and Doyle took it.

“James, it’s good to see you up and about.”

James smiled. “Yes, I needed some air.” He stared into the fields. He saw young men training and others picking crops. “So how is everything going?”

“Good, good. Everything is going well.”

“I’m glad you’re here. You’ve been a great help.”

James’ eyes began to search the fields, but he couldn’t find her. He heard Doyle coming closer. “I think she went to the children’s cabin.”

James nodded. “Of course.”

“She’s a great person…always trying to help someone out.”

James smiled. She had always put others before herself. Even though she was on the same base, he missed her so much.

Doyle placed his hand on James’ shoulder, and James winced, pulling back. “James?” He asked curiously.

“Sorry. I meant no offense.”

“Is something wrong? Are you feeling well?”

James turned his head and saw Leah. She was walking towards them with a big smile. He couldn’t help but smile. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? James?”

James turned his head to his old friend. His eyes went wild and fierce. Doyle took a step back. “I said I’m fine, so drop it.” Doyle nodded his head slowly.

Leah finally reached them, and James opened his arms. She gladly embraced him. The warmth of her skin felt good against his pale, cool face.

She raised her hands towards his face. “James, you’re cold.”

“Am I?” He said as if he hadn’t noticed.

She frowned. “Yes, you are. James, are you feeling well?”

“Fine, darling. Now stop worrying about me.”

“But James-”

He became frustrated and released his hold on her. “Will you stop asking me how I feel?” He turned around, his back towards her. “I’ve told you over and over. I’m fine.” He felt his head begin to pound. He pressed his hand to his temple. He grabbed onto the pole next to him, as he fainted slightly.

Doyle and Leah took a step closer to him at the same time.

“James, you’re weak. You need…” James quickly turned around to face Leah. She stopped when she saw his face. She was afraid of him.

His face was hard and cold. “No!” He shouted back at her.

“James, please-” She said softly.

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