Reversed Roles

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  • Dedicated to Diana Petrescu

James arrived on the second day of his leave. It was like hell for him not to have Leah near him. He wanted to see her face and hold her in his arms. He looked out of the window of the Jeep Wrangler. He saw many of the people working in the fields, but he did not see her. He became anxious and hoped he was just overreacting. Leah was fine he kept repeating to himself.


James turned his head to the man sitting next to him. Lt Doyle was a good old friend that was going to take the place of Michaels. There was something about the man that made James trust him. "Oh...I'm sorry, Doyle. I was just thinking."

"About?" The tan, dark haired man asked.

James smiled. "A girl."

Doyle raised his eyebrow. "Ah... I see."

"It's nothing; I'm just worried about her."

"Worried? Does she live on the base?"


"Is she one of the girls you're sworn to protect."

James dropped his gaze. "Can I trust you Doyle?"

Doyle gave him a serious look. "Of course. I've always kept your secrets."

James looked at him and knew he spoke the truth. They had grown up and joined the army together. "Yes, she is. Her name is Leah. She went to high school with us. Remember? I never expected to see her here, but I'm glad to see her again."

Doyle smiled and knew where this was going. "Ah yes Leah. Wasn't she the love of your life?"

"Yes. She was and still is." He said, shamelessly.

"Is there any reason for you to worry about her?"

"I hope not, but if I lose her again. I would never forgive myself. She was the reason Michaels left."

"Oh, well she's some woman."

James laughed. "Oh yes she is."

James turned his attention back to the window and felt the car come to a stop. He opened the door to find all these men lined up to greet him and their new commander, Doyle. He looked around hoping to see her face, but he found no luck. Lt Martin came his way.

"Sir, we are glad you're back."

He nodded and turned his head towards Doyle. "Lt Martin, this is your new Lieutenant General. Lt Doyle."

She turned to Doyle and saluted him. Doyle started to look around at the men in front of him. "I see all is in order."

"Yes, sir. Everyone is accounted for."

James took the minute to look into the fields once again. He wanted to find her, he wanted to know she was alright. Just as he turned his head he saw one of the Romanian girls walk his way. He recognized her because she had always been around Leah. Her name was Anna, if he wasn't mistaken. She came charging his way, he wondered what she was coming to him for; maybe she knew something about Leah. He saw Marcus right behind her as well.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked her as she reached him.

She stared into his eyes and said, "Yes. It's Chris and Leah." She turned her head to Jason, one of the many soldiers out there. "Your soldiers took them. Jason took Chris and he hasn't come back."

James felt his throat get dry at the mention of Leah's name. He walked in front of Jason and asked, "Is this true?"

Jason's face went hard. "Of course not, General. She’s lying."

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