Laying low

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Hey guys! I missed this book!😞 so I'm back!😃 the redhead is what I thought Alexa to look like. So let's see if I can't make this a good update.
My parents weren't happy. I could hear mom's elated screeches from where I was. Dad did his best to comfort her but, she was having none of it. Of course she wasn't mad at him.... she was just not very approachable when she was mad, then again what mom is when's she's mad. My brain had kicked into overdrive trying to remember all of what had happened.

A peaceful walk on the beach, meeting strangers, strangers actually really creepy! Strangers want me( I don't want to go) dupe them, walk away calm as can be, cover blown by friend ( thanks a lot Alexa) running, running, hiding..... Dad.

That's pretty much all there was to it. Alexa and I had needed to calm down. Despite what she was telling me, she was freaked out. We elected to practice the dance we had been working on for the summer talent show in a week.

" I might be out of beat today." Alexa stated

I laughed as I scrolled through my songs.

" You too?" I asked sarcastically.

She smiled and jumped off my bed.

" Yes, getting chased isn't on my list of fun things." She sighed " Ah, welp! We can just do our best right?"

I plugged my speaker in. Shrugging I played Turn Down for What.

I got up and bobbed my head.

1-2-3- go!

We went through our steps, not missing a beat.
Somewhere near the end Felix slipped in and sat on my bed. My hair kept getting in my face... yuck! I had too many problems without crazy men trying to kidnap me!

I dropped down to my splits.

They were defiantly Oriental. Why would they come across the world just for one girl?

4-5- end!

I ended panting. I could hear Alexa panting as well. Felix started clapping.

" That was lovely gurls!" He said in a feminine voice.

I looked back at him judgingly.

" Now,huns, I need you to point your toes more," he stuck out his leg with pointed toes, " like this. You got that gurl?"

Alexa was stifling giggles. I just rolled my eyes and opened the window. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath of the fresh air. Alexa came and squeezed in beside me.

" You're not going to hog all the fresh air.... Are you?"

I playfully kicked her in the butt. She screeched and nearly fell onto the roof. I laughed and ducked back into the room to watch her struggle to get back in. Alexa whipped around, playful murder in her eyes, she tackled me to the bed. I started to protest when she got my weakness....... tickles. It was my turn to screech now. I kicked and prayed for mercy.

" You're not going to hog all the fun are you?" Felix asked

Alexa stopped only long enough to answer him,

" Of course not!" She gestured to me, " Be my guest! She's your sister."

With woop Felix hopped into the tickle attack. I laughed till I was crying.

" Guys please!!!" I gasped, " I'm gunna pee!!!"

I was saved only by the grace of my parents knocking at my door.

" Chitose?" Mom said as she came in. " What's going on?"

" Tickle Attack." Felix stated.

"Oh! Makes sense."

Sword Sister: book 1, RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now