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June 5, 2012
Tuesday 12:06 PM

(Y/N) stared out the window as the bell rang signaling lunch time. She pulled out her lunch box and placed it on her desk.

"Hey, (L/N)-san." Nishinoya exclaimed from the back of the classroom. (Y/N) smiled at him and waved.

"Hello, Nishinoya-san." She greeted, their classmates seemed surprised at the interaction. Normally, (Y/N) kept to herself, not really talking to any of her classmates.

"(L/N)-san! Theres a person outside waiting for you." One of her classmates exclaimed. She stared at them confused, who would be outside waiting for her? Nishinoya's ears perked up in curiosity.

She walked towards the door and opened it. Her eyes lit up once she saw who it was.

"Tsukki?" She said confused, the blond boy stood there with no expression.

"Yamaguchi wanted you to eat lunch with us." Tsukishima explained, she nodded her head. She grabbed her lunch and followed Tsukishima to their classroom.

On the way they ran into a familiar silver haired boy. "Hello, Tsukishima and (L/N)." He greeted.

"H-Hello, Sugawara-san." (Y/N) replied

"Well, see you at practice, Tsukishima. Bye, (L/N)." He said before walking away.

Tsukishima noticed her nervous expression and felt a bit uneasy. They continued to go to the first years room. Once they walked in, Yamaguchi smiled at the girl and his classmates stared in awe.

They sat down and began eating their lunch, chatting along the way.

"So what clubs are you in, (Y/N)?" Yamaguchi asked curiously.

"I'm not in any." she replied, he stared at her confused.

"Why were you there after school then?" He asked.

"I was helping teachers grade assignments." She explained, making the two pause.

"Then do you want to be the volleyball's man-" Yamaguchi paused, as Tsukishima glared at him, making Yamaguchi look away.

"Ah, never mind." Yamaguchi muttered, (Y/N) stared at them, confused.

"Don't worry about it." Tsukishima muttered.

June 5, 2012
Tuesday 3:38 PM

(Y/N) packed all of her stuff up and swung the bag over her shoulder. She stepped out of the classroom and spotted a girl standing outside. She had black hair and glasses.

"Ah, are you (L/N)-san?" she asked, (Y/N) nodded her head in response. The girl lit up.

"I'm Shimizu Kiyoko. You're not in any clubs right, (L/N)-san?" She asked. (Y/N) shook her head in response.

"Then would you be interested in becoming a manager for the volleyball team, (L/N)-san?" She asked.

Surprised, (Y/N) didn't immediately reply.

"I don't know, Shimizu-san." (Y/N) replied, uneasy. She had been a manager for the tennis team before, but she knew nothing about volleyball.

"Please, try it for a week, at least." Shimizu pleaded. (Y/N) stared at the paper in front of her and then nodded her head.

Shimizu eyes lit up,"Do you want to come right now? Or tomorrow?" She asked the second year.

"I can go now, Shimizu-san." She replied, Shimizu nodded her head and they both walked to the volleyball gym.

Approaching the gym, Shimizu walked over to the coach. She began to converse with him. He nodded his head and Shimizu returned to (Y/N) side, he suddenly clapped his hands.

"Gather around! There's an important announcement." Coach Ukai exclaimed, confused the boys gathered around the entrance. They spotted Shimizu standing there with a girl behind her.

"This is (L/N) (Y/N), she will be testing out the manager position for now." Shimizu explained. Tsukishima eyes widened as his friend entered the gym, he let out a sigh of frustration.

Yamaguchi smiled at him,"At least we'll see her more, Tsukki." He whispered. Tsukishima rolled his eyes, truth be told he didn't want this to happen. Knowing his teammates, someone would begin to like her sooner or later.

Everyone greeted her again and Coach Ukai cleared his throat. "Also, we have been invited to take part in Fukurodani Group's training camp." He exclaimed.

The boys cheered in response,"However, you guys have to pass your final exams or else you won't be able to participate. I'm looking at you Hinata." He warned.

(Y/N) watched as Hinata dropped to his knees defeated. "Now let's practice!" the coach yelled.

Shimizu stared at (Y/N),"Have you ever been a manger?" She asked.

"Yes, for the tennis team." (Y/N) replied, Shimizu eyes lit up in response and smiled at her.

"That's wonderful. Today I'll just explain some of your responsibilities. Have you met everyone yet?" Shimizu asked.

(Y/N) shook her head pointing out the few players she didn't know the names of. Shimizu filled her in and began explaining everything to her. (Y/N) nodded watching the ball fly from one side to another.

All of a sudden, Hinata jumped up and spiked the ball. It landed on the floor with a loud smack.

"Woah." (Y/N) exclaimed, making Shimizu smile. Hinata smiled at (Y/N) as she gave him a thumbs up.

"That was cool, Hinata." (Y/N) complimented, Hinatas face flushed red. Tanaka grabbed him and ruffled his hair.

"Showing off your skills, huh?" He joked.

(Y/N) laughed but didn't see her blond haired friend frowning at his ginger teammate.


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